Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s split has been very public, and things between them seem to be getting worse. It looks like new information is now being shared.

A security guard who used to work for Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie is making some troubling claims about the actress and what she did while she was married to Pitt.

The media has now gotten their hands on court papers that seem to show Pitt’s lawyers saying that a former security guard named Tony Webb was told that Jolie told the kids not to talk to Pitt when they went to see her.

The papers also said that Jolie tried to use non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) to frighten the security guards so that they would not talk about this.

These papers are part of the long-running court case between the two ex-spouses over their shared Château Miraval farm. In this case, there has been a lot of back and forth about NDAs and other things.

The papers say that Webb was “in charge of Jolie’s security detail for twenty years” and that he kept that job for about four years after the couple got divorced.

Webb said that Jolie “made him and his workers sign NDAs” about different personal and business aspects of her life and the lives of her family.

They had a big fight over who would have care of their six kids after they filed for divorce. The papers say that Webb said he “received multiple calls from Jolie’s representative, who told Mr. Webb to remind his staff that they had signed non-disclosure agreements with Jolie and that Jolie would sue them if they testified in a custody proceeding.”

Webb stated that he had told his contractors about the message, and both of them said they would speak if they were asked to.

In the papers, it was also said that “one of them told Webb that he would testify about what he heard Ms. Jolie say to the kids to keep them from spending time with Mr. Pitt during custody visits.”

The papers also said that “the two security contractors both testified,” even though they were warned they would be sued. Soon after, Jolie fired Mr. Webb’s company.

At the same time, Webb doesn’t say that he heard Jolie tell the kids not to talk to Pitt during custody meetings. He works for Pitt now too.

Since then, Jolie’s lawyer, Paul Murphy, has talked to the public about this. In a statement, he said, “Mr. Pitt’s continued attempt to equate common NDAs for security personnel and housekeepers covering confidential information employees learn at work, with him demanding an expanded NDA to make sure the continued coverup of his horrible actions remains shameful.” “This case isn’t about NDAs in general. It’s about control and power.” Angelina has only ever wanted to be apart from Brad Pitt and be healthy, with all of her family members, including Mr. Pitt, getting along well. “She can’t wait for the day when he can finally let her go,” the statement said.

Over a month ago, Jolie’s lawyer filed papers saying that Pitt had abused her physically before the infamous 2016 plane incident. This is the latest case. Documents say that event was the last straw that led to the request for a divorce.

When Jolie’s lawyers filed the move in early April, it was mostly about the disagreement over their ownership stakes in Château Miraval, their French winery estate.

In a motion, her lawyers asked the court to order Pitt and his lawyers to give “answers” and “documents” that showed why the actor “suddenly conditioned his purchase of Jolie’s share of Miraval on her agreeing to a greatly expanded NDA now covering Pitt’s personal misconduct, whether related to Miraval or not.”

When Pitt asked for NDAs, Jolie says he was trying to “cover up” the abuse he is said to have done to her and their children.

After police looked into what happened on the plane in 2016, Pitt was never charged with a crime.

Pitt’s lawyers say that Jolie and her team asked for a “broader” NDA, which is different from what Jolie’s lawyers say.

By editor

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