Perfectly timed photographs can be a hoot! In the past, we’ve shared some pretty cool perfectly timed photos as illusions, like the dog with antlers and the dog on a bus. I’ve also had people comment that these are not actually illusions. I disagree, though! If you look at the actual definition of optical illusion…
…I’d say that perfectly timed and posed photos count as optical illusions! They’re also a pretty fun distraction, and it’s not difficult to lose oodles of time just browsing through them.

Perfectly timed photographs can be a hoot! In the past, we’ve shared some pretty cool perfectly timed photos as illusions, like the dog with antlers and the dog on a bus. I’ve also had people comment that these are not actually illusions. I disagree, though! If you look at the actual definition of optical illusion…
…I’d say that perfectly timed and posed photos count as optical illusions! They’re also a pretty fun distraction, and it’s not difficult to lose oodles of time just browsing through them.

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