Pregnancy Acne: Treatments And Home Remedies

Pregnancy brings a myriad of changes in the body of a woman on internal, and external levels. One of the common problems faced by them is acne. Though several prescription-based, and over-the-counter remedies for acne exist, women still have concerns regarding the probable consequences of using such products in their pregnancy. This article gives you an in-depth knowledge of the causes of development of acne, and ways to treat it naturally.

Causes For Acne Breakouts In Pregnancy

Most of the pregnant women mostly suffer from acne in their 1st or 2nd trimester. Hormonal changes, or the fluctuations in the levels of pregnancy hormones is responsible behind acne breakouts, is. These hormones include androstenedione, and testosterone that belongs to a category of hormones referred to as androgens. When these hormones increase to a very abnormal levels then it causes conditions like PCOS, acne, and infertility.

This significant increase in androgen levels in seen in the 1st trimester and generally sustains throughout pregnancy. It activates sebaceous glands that lies under the skin, and stimulates production of sebum. Excess production of sebum clog pores and results in causing acne lesions.

Home Remedies and tips to treat Acne during pregnancy

Self-care of your skin is the first step towards keeping it healthy. Here are a few remedies, and practices that will help in keeping your skin beautiful, radiant, and acne free.

Apply herbal facial mask: A face mask of cucumber and oatmeal juice is ideal to kick off acne. It is beneficial due to the cooling, and soothing properties of the ingredients. You can also mix a teaspoon of bentonite clay into the mix for its amazing antibacterial properties. Leave this paste for 20 mins on the skin, and rinse with luke-warm water.

Eat healthy: Nutritional deficiencies can also cause acne. Up your vitamin C, Zinc, and vitamin A intake. Vitamin C aids in collagen production, improving skin elasticity, and preventing breakouts. Zinc shows antibacterial properties that again prevents any bacterial infection on the skin.

Nourish your skin with probiotics: Probiotics helps to increase the levels of good bacterial in the skin and maintain healthy skin micro-biome. It cleans clogged pores and treat blemishes too. Consume probiotics in the form of foods, or capsules to keep your skin free from acne.

Don’t over-wash: Dry skin is more prone to acne because it stimulates over-production of sebum to restore right levels of moisture in the skin. When you wash the skin many times a day, it takes away the necessary moisture from it and makes it dry and susceptible to acne breakouts.

Don’t use extremely hot water: Hot water also makes the skin dry and results in acne. Try a soap-free, mild cleanser and lukewarm or cold water to wash your skin.

Don’t over scrub your skin: Gentle exfoliation is fine, but over scrubbing can again leave your skin dry and rough. Use a mild and preferably natural exfoliator to gently scrub the skin and get rid of dead skin cells. Oats, sugar and walnuts are good natural scrubs that would be a good option to consider.

Don’t prick your skin: Pricking, squeezing, and scratch your acne aggravates the problem, and make your acne sore. It is better not to touch them.

Keep your skin hydrated: Water hydrates the skin, and expels all unwanted toxins from the body. It is a good therapy to relive from skin issues.

Consume a healthy diet: Include a nutritious diet that has got a lot of fresh fruits, healthy fats, vegetables, lean protein sources. Avoid processed foods, spicy foods, and refined sugars that causes acne on the skin.

Relax Yourself: It is very common for a pregnant woman to feel stressed. But she should know that stress can also lead to acne breakouts. So, try relaxing yourself and take proper rest to keep acne at bay.

Maintain Hygiene: Dirt can lead to development of bacteria that can cause damage to your skin. You should maintain cleanliness at all times. Keep pillows, clothes, hair and face clean to prevent exposure to bacteria.

Use Oil Free Makeup Products: It is advised to clean your skin from any makeup so as to prevent skin issues. If possible, use only oil-free products that are labeled as “non-acnegenic”, or “non-comedogenic”.

Also read: How to Prevent Stretch Marks During Pregnancy


Skin changes like acne is very common to experience in pregnancy. Where a few women can have severe breakouts, others may only notice a mild breakout that clears on itself. OTC topical acne treatments available for use by pregnant women are safe and effectively treats the problem.

Still, women who want to play safe, can try home remedies to treat them naturally. In addition to these topical treatments, consume a diet rich in zinc, and Vitamin A to get relief from its symptoms. Getting periodic checkup by your doctor will ensure smooth execution of your pregnancy.

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