Obesity may be the disease of the century. According to our colleagues from Figaro Santé, the number of obese people in the world doubled from 1980 to 2015. In France, nearly 17% of the adult population is a victim of obesity. Do you know the risks associated with being overweight? Are you having trouble achieving your weight loss goals? You are on the right page ! Here are 9 practical and effective tips for losing weight from Dr. Jason Fung, author of the book The Obesity Code.

To lose weight in a healthy and lasting way, it is essential to adopt the right actions on a daily basis. Indeed, miracle diets, beyond the frustration they cause, cause you to gain weight in the long term. With these health tips, you will lose weight by adopting healthy habits every day.
Drink enough water during day 1 1
Drink enough water during the day
Water, this natural drink with multiple benefits for the body (in addition to keeping us alive) can help us lose weight! Indeed, human beings can sometimes confuse hunger and thirst. The brain sends a similar signal to the body to signify a need to eat or a need to hydrate. Water then allows you to satisfy this false feeling of hunger.

Eating breakfast
“Eat like a king in the morning, like a prince at noon and like a pauper in the evening” is a very apt quote. Indeed, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. In particular, it allows the body to carry out its functions during the morning and reduce cravings, sugar cravings and impulsive food intake.Practice regular physical activity
To lose weight effectively, you need to practice regular sporting activity. And yes ! Sport, in addition to being an important health ally, is essential in the process of losing weight. Running, skipping rope, Zumba, swimming, tennis, football, you are spoiled for choice! In addition to helping you lose weight, practicing sports allows you to feel more joy and energy in your daily life since your body produces endorphins after each sporting activity.
Practice regular physical activity 1 1
Eat more fiber
There are two types of fiber: soluble, which helps regulate blood sugar and cholesterol in the blood, and insoluble, which helps improve intestinal transit to prevent bloating. This is because these substances swell in the stomach and take longer to digest, thus promoting satiety.

Limit the consumption of alcoholic beverages 1 1
Opt for fruits and vegetables
Fruits and vegetables are full of vitamins and minerals essential for weight loss. Very low in calories, they are nutritionally rich, full of soluble fiber which slows down blood sugar peaks and prevents you from feeling cravings between meals.

Eat slowly
To lose weight, it’s all in the method. By eating slowly, the brain takes the time to receive the signals of satiety that it communicates to our body. Twenty minutes before the first bite, the brain receives a stimulus indicating that the individual is full. To quickly reach this signal that allows us to stop eating, we must take the time to savor the bites and eat mindfully.
Eat slowly 1 1
Consume more proteins
Proteins are essential during a slimming process. It turns out that when consuming these foods, the body burns a significant amount of calories to digest them. Protein also helps you feel full longer since it takes time to digest.

However, excessive intake of animal proteins can be dangerous for your health. Fortunately, many plant proteins exist and are effective both for weight loss and for general health.

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