Onions are one of the essential ingredients in cooking. Particularly rich in antioxidants and vitamin B6 and C, these herbs have numerous health benefits.

Usually, these bulbous roots are stored in a cool, dry, light-protected place such as the pantry. So what happens when they are placed in the freezer? Quickly discover this tip which turns out to be very useful and advantageous.
An essential ally in cooking, onions are perfect for spicing up and flavoring many dishes. It is always useful to have it in your pantry.

When you have a little left after cutting, don’t hesitate to store it in the freezer to benefit from its many benefits.

Why should onions be placed in the freezer?

It’s a good idea to place onions in the freezer before cooking them. The reason could surprise you and make your daily life easier. Once you have tried this technique, you will no longer be able to do without it.

Cutting onions without shedding a tear is possible.

Very few people know this, but placing an onion in the freezer can be particularly beneficial. In fact, this tip helps reduce tearing during cutting and prevents eye irritation.

All you have to do is put the raw onions in the freezer for 15 minutes before peeling them. There are other ways to do this by dipping them in a container of ice water, keeping a damp towel or bowl of water near the cutting board or even cutting them under water. This prevents the diffusion of a volatile gas that is irritating to the eyes.

Why does onion cause watery eyes?

Being a bulbous root, the onion is one of the plants that easily store sulfur contained in the soil. These accumulate in the form of molecules in an area called a vacuole.

It is also thanks to these sulfur components which give the onion this particular smell and flavor. So when you cut an onion, these components mix with another enzyme called alliinase.

This produces a chemical reaction which releases a gas, in the form of sulfuric acid, which irritates the eyes. In order to protect itself, the eyes produce a defense mechanism by shedding reflex tears.

– What other reasons to freeze onions?

In addition to avoiding watery eyes, freezing onions can be useful in cooking. Before freezing them, it is advisable to blanch them by immersing them in boiling, unsalted water for just two minutes.

This helps delay their degradation and prevents their odor from permeating the freezer. Let them cool then dry them with a clean cloth then place them in freezer bags.

– Freezing onions saves time

– Congeler les oignons permet de gagner du temps
Il est possible de couper des oignons la veille afin de les cuisiner le lendemain. C’est très pratique lorsque vous n’aimez pas passer des heures en cuisine.

Pour cela, il suffit d’éplucher et de couper un oignon en rondelles, en lamelles ou en dés selon vos préférences. Mettez-les ensuite dans des sacs ou des boîtes de congélation.

Il existe aussi des boîtes anti-odeurs en acier qui limitent la diffusion des odeurs d’oignons dans le congélateur. Cette astuce vous aidera à ressortir à chaque fois la quantité dont vous avez besoin pour cuisiner.

La suite page suivant

It is possible to cut onions the day before in order to cook them the next day. This is very practical when you don’t like spending hours in the kitchen.

To do this, simply peel and cut an onion into rings, strips or dice according to your preferences. Then put them in freezer bags or boxes.

There are also anti-odor steel boxes which limit the diffusion of onion odors in the freezer. This tip will help you get out the quantity you need for cooking each time.

– Freezing onions allows them to be preserved better

In order to properly preserve onions, it is essential to follow the few steps mentioned above by peeling and chopping the onions beforehand.

Placing these aromatics in the freezer will then prevent them from softening or molding while preserving their flavor.

As you will have understood, storing onions in the freezer not only helps reduce tearing but also ensures proper storage.

In addition, avoid placing them next to potatoes which also produce a gas that accelerates their rotting.

By ruby

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