Did you know that China is one of the biggest exporters of garlic? it is believed that around 80% of the garlic sold around the world is from China. In fact, China supplies roughly 50% of the United States consumption.  Most people think that their garlic comes from California, the “Garlic Capital of the World,” but, in reality, it was imported from China.

How to grow garlic: a step-by-step guide - Growing Family

  • Chinese garlic heavily fumigated with methyl bromide to get rid of any bugs.Methyl bromide is an extremely toxic substance. Exposure to high concentrations can cause damage to the respiratory and central nervous systems. It can even cause death.
  • Chinese garlic is bleached. A great number of Chinese garlic is artificially whitened with bleach. It’s serves as a pesticide to keep away insects and to make the garlic bulb whiter.
  • Chinese garlic is also contaminatedwith lead, sulfites and other toxic compounds.
  • Chinese garlic may be treated with growth inhibitorsto keep it from sprouting.

How to tell the Difference Between American and Chinese Garlic 

  • American garlic has some of the roots left on the bottom. It is required by the FDA that all roots be removed from imported produce to prevent various pathogens from entering the US. This is not a requirement for US garlic farmers so they often leave the roots attached.
  • American garlic is heavier  than imported garlic. Imported garlic contains more water so by the time it makes it to US most of the water has evaporated making it significantly lighter.


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