Older generations often possess valuable knowledge, including natural remedies like a simple yet effective mixture of baking soda and honey. This blend, a favorite of my grandmother, offers incredible health benefits and diverse applications. Let’s explore the wonders of this secret mixture.
Baking Soda and Honey: The Basic Mix
Baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate, is a common kitchen ingredient with various uses, including cooking, cleaning, and medicinal purposes. Honey, with its antibacterial properties and health benefits, complements baking soda perfectly. Combined, they create a thick paste that serves as a base for several home remedies.
Benefits for Digestion
A popular use of this mixture in my grandmother’s home was as a digestive aid. Taking a small teaspoon post-meal helped promote healthy digestion. Baking soda neutralizes stomach acid, while honey soothes the digestive tract, offering relief from digestive discomfort.
Soothing Sore Throats and Irritations
This combination is also effective against sore throats and irritations, common issues as we age. The mixture of baking soda and honey provides considerable relief.
Preparing the Mixture
To create this blend:

Combine 1 teaspoon of baking soda with 2 teaspoons of honey in a clean bowl.

Mix until it forms a thick paste.

Consume a small amount when experiencing throat discomfort or irritation, allowing its soothing properties to take effect.


The wisdom passed down from our elders, like my grandmother’s baking soda and honey mixture, is invaluable. Its versatility and health benefits, from aiding digestion to soothing sore throats, make it a worthwhile addition to any wellness routine.

By ruby

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