Cottage Cheese Sandwich |

This sandwich incited a near riot in our house.

After asking which image G-Dawg thought looked best for the opening shot for this post, my husband nearly lost his mind. In only the best and most sarcastic way.

With a flourish of his hand and a big old smile, he  incredulously declared, “You KNOW the cottage cheese sandwich ALWAYS has chipped beef on it! This isn’t right! You have to do away with it, now! Be gone? And if not chipped beef (you know what chipped beef I’m talking about, the cheapest stuff in the deli aisle) then at least bacon. Come on, what are you thinking?”

And then the final blow, ” I can’t endorse this. I’ll be commenting on the blog.” Oh really? Bring it big guy.

Of all of the times my husband has made this sandwich, and he’s been making it a lot lately (hence why I was inspired to even post about the darn thing because it’s so oddball) sure, I’ve witnessed the chipped beef version a few times. But there have been plenty of times when it’s been a bit naked ala veggie focused.

Today’s version is simple. Go to the larder and use whatever you’ve got.

I like cottage cheese with pineapple. Great combo. I like cottage cheese with ham and raspberry jam. Yep, that works too. Anything you can layer on a piece of toasted bread, a slather of cottage cheese and top it with your latest craving and you have a sandwich. Just make sure you bring the napkins.

A Simple Cottage Cheese Sandwich


  • 2 slices wheat bread
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • ⅓ cup cottage cheese
  • 1 slice tomato
  • ½ avocado sliced
  • 4 slices cucumber
  • salt and pepper


  1. Toast bread.
  2. Butter bread.
  3. Top slice of bread with cucumber, cottage cheese, tomato and avocado. Season with salt and pepper.
  4. Top with final slice of bread.
  5. Wipe chin.


Serving: 1g


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