Ironing clothes is an operation that not everyone likes because, let’s face it, it’s a bit tiring and boring.

Sometimes, then, the iron throws a tantrum and ironing becomes even more difficult.

In fact, how many times have you noticed a little spurt of steam or white/grayish specks coming out of the holes in the iron and staining your clothes?

If this has happened to you and keeps happening, don’t worry, it’s just limescale that has settled in the boiler and on the plate.

So, today we are going to see together some simple and inexpensive natural remedies to free your iron from limescale and have your clothes straight with little effort!

NB We recommend that you always follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer. In case of breakdown, consult the person in charge.

Water heater
The part where most limescale is deposited is the boiler, as it is continuously exposed to water.

So, first of all, we will focus on cleaning and descaling this part of the iron.

For this operation, there are two remedies you can try… Let’s see them together!

Vinegar is an ingredient with a strong corrosive power capable of descaling lime scale surfaces.

So start by creating a solution containing equal parts water and white vinegar.

Then pour it into the tank and, after filling it, turn on the iron.

Let the plate heat up, then emit steam until the hard white pieces no longer come out of the holes in the plate.

At this point, turn off the iron, let it cool, and empty the boiler.

Together with the water and vinegar solution, you will notice that the lime residue present in the tank is also removed.

We recommend that you repeat this operation a second time , creating, however, a solution composed of only 10% vinegar.

However, if you do not want to steam the vinegar and water solution because you do not like the strong vinegar smell, you can also pour it directly into the boiler and leave it to act for a few hours.

For a more effective effect, the solution can also remain in the boiler overnight. Then empty the kettle and let it drain by shaking the iron.

If you wish, you can repeat the procedure by adding only demineralized water , to completely remove the remains of white vinegar.

Citric acid
Citric acid is a citrus-derived compound that is proposed as a more environmentally friendly alternative to vinegar, although it boasts the same effectiveness.

In fact, it has anti-scale, descaling and detergent properties, very useful for removing scale deposits from the iron.

Then dissolve 200 grams of citric acid in 1 liter of warm water (so it dissolves better) and pour it all into the boiler.

Turn on the iron, and let the steam come out until all the accumulated limescale is removed.

And voilà: your iron is ready to be used to give you smooth, wrinkle-free garments!

However, in addition to cleaning the tank, it is also important to clean the plate, as limestone is deposited in the small holes underneath.

For this reason, the plate requires periodic cleaning to free the holes and not compromise the correct functioning of the appliance.

Attention! Always make sure to unplug it before starting to clean the plate, to be in total safety.

baking soda and lemon
To clean the iron plate, baking soda and lemon are very effective.

In fact, combined together, these two ingredients react and form a foam with descaling power.

Then pour a tablespoon of baking soda and a tablespoon of lemon in a glass of hot water. Then mix all the ingredients until you get a homogeneous mixture.

At this point, wet a sponge in the mixture thus obtained and wipe it on the dish.

Finally, dry with a soft cloth and… the game is done !

cotton swab
Another very effective home remedy to thoroughly clean the holes under the plate and facilitate the steam outlet is to use cotton swabs.

Then take a cotton swab soaked in white vinegar and gently run it through the holes in the plate.

Let it act for a while and use your iron: you will notice the difference!

How to prevent limescale formation

Once we have seen together how to descale the iron, let’s see together how to prevent the formation of limescale.

Demineralized water
First of all, we recommend that you always use demineralized water in your iron.

Demineralized water, in fact, is deprived of its saline component and this, therefore, allows it not to form scale deposits.

This prevention system will ensure that your iron is not damaged.

Conditioning water
As an alternative to demineralized water, many people use air conditioning water for ironing.

In fact, this water is condensed water, without lime scale.

Before using this water, however, always make sure that no chemical detergents have been used in conditioners that have not yet been discarded and that there is no damage that could alter the purity of the water.

We remind you to always follow the production instructions before trying the suggested remedies on your iron.

By ruby

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