Dr. Charles Livingston is a board certified chiropractic physician, better health and wellness enthusiast, and the founder and CEO of LifeBoost Coffee.

coffee and mold

Dr. Livingston is a big fan of entrepreneurship as well as coffee, as evidenced by his thriving business.

According to Dr. Livingston, coffee is incredibly healthy.

Coffee increases circulation in the body, is packed full of disease-protective antioxidants, and helps to increase concentrations of glutathione, the liver-healing “master antioxidant” in the body.

With these and other health benefits, it’s no wonder that people instinctively love coffee.

According to Dr. Livingston, however, there is at least one major downside to most coffee brands on the market to know and avoid.

“Practically All (Coffee is) Contaminated With Molds”

Conventional coffee is one of the most chemically treated foods in the world according to Dr. Livingston.

“It’s steeped in fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, and insecticides,” he said in a recent Facebook post.

Coffee grows in the shade, but it’s tough to grow in large numbers in dense, lush forests, he added.

According to Dr. Livingston, one study showed that a total of 91.7% of all coffee samples were tainted with molds.

Symptoms of mold exposure may include the following according to Healthline.com:

  • lung irritation
  • eye irritation
  • skin rash
  • sneezing
  • coughing
  • sore throat
  • headache
  • runny nose and congestion
  • wheezing

For these and other reasons, Dr. Livingston recommends drinking mold-free coffee.

Johns Hopkins research shows that there are several different health benefits to be found from drinking up to five cups of coffee per day, including the following:

  • Reduced likelihood of dying due to coronary heart disease, diabetes, stroke and kidney disease, some of the leading causes of death in women
  • Support for glucose and/or sugar processing in your body
  • One or two cups of coffee per day may prevent heart failure
  • Caffeine like the kind found in coffee has been shown to lower the risk of Parkinson’s Disease, and may help motor function in those who have Parkinson’s
  • Coffee decreases breakage in DNA strands, which may help reduce cancer risk
  • Coffee drinkers are 26 percent likely to develop colon cancer
  • Reduced risk of Alzheimer’s Disease

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