Many health-conscious Americans  switched to eating tofu  instead of animal products. The soy industry has made us all believe that soy is a health food. However, despite its healthy reputation with consumers, tofu is bad for you.  So what is tofu exactly? The truth is tofu is made from soy, and as we know most soy is bad. It causes a vast number of health problems such as hypothyroidism, breast cancer, hashimoto’s and many more.

Do You Have to Cook Tofu? - Clean Green Simple

Personally, after years of consuming various forms of soy nearly every day, I developed Hashimoto’s. When I began studying holistic health and nutrition, I learned about the risks associated with consuming soy products such as endocrine disruption, digestive, thyroid, fertility, hormones, sex drive problems.

Studies proving the dark side of soy date back 100 years,’ says clinical nutritionist Kaayla Daniel, author of The Whole Soy Story (New Trends, 2005).

Soy is a $4 billion industry that successfully marketed its product to us. ‘The 1999 FDA-approved health claim pleased big business, despite massive evidence showing risks associated with soy, and against the protest of the FDA’s own top scientists. 

“Unlike in Asia where people eat small amounts of whole soybean products, western food processors separate the soybean into two golden commodities–protein and oil. There’s nothing safe or natural about this,” Dr. Daniel says.

Would you like to restore your health, stop the aging process, reverse gray hair, diminish wrinkles, and get the most nutrients for the day? 

“Today’s high-tech processing methods not only fail to remove the anti-nutrients and toxins that are naturally present in soybeans but leave toxic and carcinogenic residues created by the high temperatures, high pressure, alkali and acid baths and petroleum solvents,” she continues.


  • Thyroid diseases such as Hashimoto’s and Hypothyroidism
    • Premature puberty
    • Cancer
    • Brain damage
    • Infertelity
    • Allergies



Epidemiological studies have found that  people in Japan and China have lower numbers of breast and prostate cancer than people in the United States. Thus, this has been credited to  a diet full of soy. But you must realize one thing, people in Asia only eat small amounts of mostly fermented soy products like miso, natto, and tempeh.

Fermenting soy creates health-promoting probiotics, the good bacteria our bodies need to maintain digestive and overall wellness.  Fermentation reduces the antinutrients in soy.


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