triclosan toothpaste colgate crest side effects cancer

What type of toothpaste do you have in your medicine cabinet?

If you’re like most people you probably still buy one of the big box brands considered to be “most recommended by dentists worldwide,” like Crest, Colgate, Sensodyne or other similar brands.

The problem with these brands is that they contain fluoride, an industrial byproduct of the fertilizer industry that has been linked to serious neurological problems, tooth discoloration (dental fluorosis), nervous system problems and even higher rates of cancer according to one prominent doctor.

Fluoride is not only the main ingredient in these toothpastes, but it’s also likely the worst, although new research on another little known ingredient in popular toothpaste brands just may change all that.

Ingredient in Popular Toothpastes Like Colgate Linked to Gut Inflammation and Colon Cancer

According to a new study from the University of Massachusetts Amherst, the chemical triclosan, found in popular toothpaste brands like Colgate, has been linked to multiple health concerns including gut and colon inflammation, and even colon cancer.

“The chemical also accelerated the development of colitis—inflammation that leads to rectal bleeding, diarrhea, abdominal pain, abdominal spasms in humans—and the growth of tumors,” researcher Haixia Yang said in a public article according to the website Statista.

“In one group of mice, it reduced lifespan.”

The chemical is used in small concentrations to kill bacteria, in both toothpaste and commercial handsoaps, but the researchers believe it may promote the development of colon cancer.

Needless to say, if you know anyone who still uses the chemical in their toothpaste or handsoaps, you may want to tell them to reconsider.


Healthier Triclosan-Free Options for Toothpaste 

While many people are adopting a healthier, more natural lifestyle, the sad fact of the matter is that the top-selling toothpaste brands of 2017 were all brands that use fluoride and other toxic chemicals in their products

When looking for healthier toothpaste brands to try, it’s important to make sure that they are 100% free from industrial fluoride like Crest and other brands, and to be sure to check closely to make sure they are free from other high-risk ingredients like triclosan, as well as sodium lauryl sulfate and others.

I personally am a fan of toothpaste brands that use simple ingredients like coconut oil, baking soda, minerals and essential oils, especially Uncle Harry’s tooth powder, which includes a blend of peppermint, clove, eucalyptus, wintergreen and oregano oils; the latter of which is considered to be arguably the most powerful natural antibiotic and antibacterial substance on Earth.

I’ve also seen good results with the OnGuard toothpaste from DoTerra, which includes a similarly powerful blend of essential oils, but also includes a few ingredients that are questionable in my book like calcium hyddroxypatite, which is linked to nausea, vomiting and constipation.

At any rate, the biggest key is to switch away from fluoride and triclosan containing toothpastes as soon as possible, because the science is well-established on the harm these chemicals are capable of causing..


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