It’s generally understood that ancient cultured offered to the gods their very best.  Sometimes it was the best of the harvest, the finest livestock or even in some cases a beautiful young human… in other cases like in ancient Peru and Bolivia it was Maca!  Why?  Maybe because they understood this root had the ability to give life, to give reproduction.  Since this started (some say as early as 1,500 B.C.) literally thousands of scientific articles and millions of satisfied patients have given testimony to the efficacy of Maca powder in terms of reproductive health.

Today, too many people rush to potent and potentially dangerous pharmaceuticals (they have their place but should rarely be the first thing you try) such as Viagra when natural options exist.  The best part about natural therapies like Maca, is they have second and often tertiary benefits for our overall health.

Raw Maca, Friend or Foe?


  • Increased Sperm Count
  • Increased Sexual Desire (libido)
  • Increased energy levels (having the energy at night to have intercourse)
  • Longer sexual encounters (stronger and longer lasting erections)
  • Increased Muscle mass and tone
  • Decreased feeling of depression
  • Reduced body fat percentage

Maca Powder Increases Fertility by Making you Healthy with:

  • Proteins
  • Fiber
  • 19 Amino Acids
  • Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C and D
  • Minerals such as Iron, magnesium, zinc, sodium, potassium and calcium

Maca Powder is a total body sexual therapy supplement.  Organic products like Maca Powder from Living Traditionally are ideal as they are sourced from trusted sources in Peru and Bolivia.


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