gmo salmon

The genetically engineered salmon experiment represents one of the biggest changes to the seafood industry in decades.

These salmon, the brainchild of the company AquaBounty, have been created in a laboratories to grow much faster than traditional salmon, in hopes of disrupting the salmon industry as we know it.

In May 2022, a coalition of environmental and healthy food advocates sued the FDA, alleging that the GMO salmon was unlawfully approved for human consumption in the United States.

Now, the GMO salmon is in the news yet again, and this time it appears as if the industry, and its potential consumers, are finally catching on to the risks that this novel GMO organism presents.

“Unnecessary and Risky:” GMO Salmon Company Halts Production

According to a report from CBC Canada, AquaBounty will halt production at its main facility in Canada, located at Prince Edward Island.

“This is a huge victory for everyone in PEI and across Canada who protested against this dangerous technology,” said Sharon Labchuk of the organization GMO Free PEI.

“Genetically modified fish are unnecessary and risky.”

The company reportedly has decided that it will no longer produce GM fish in Canada, after just two spawning groups of the fish were produced due to lack of public interest.

The facility is the first of its kind in the world, according to the CBC report, and will now be converted to producing non-GMO salmon eggs for aquaculture companies. 

Despite the decision to halt production in Canada, a different story is unfolding in the United States — where GMO salmon are still unlabeled, and a proposed $300 million production facility in Ohio could turn the U.S. salmon industry on its head.

The Battle for the U.S. Salmon Industry is Far From Over 

GMO salmon are designed to grow much faster than non-GMO salmon, but the long-term health effects are unknown.

While the GMO salmon threat appears to be over in Canada, the United State is now the number one target for the novel GMO fish.

Natural health advocates have expressed concern that the GMO salmon will corrupt natural, non-GMO salmon stocks, especially once they inevitably escape into the wild.

They also note that the GMO salmon was approved despite public opposition and no long term safety testing.

According to the non-profit GMO Free USA, there is much work to be done, in order to prevent the GMO salmon from overtaking the U.S. seafood industry.

“As you may recall, last month our U.S. FDA had a public comment period aimed at supporting AquaBounty’s expansion of the (Canadian) factory,” the organization wrote. “We called on supporters to submit comments opposing FDA’s support and many of you took action.”

They are calling on consumers to boycott the GMO salmon until the company’s GMO salmon meets a similar fate in the United States, forcing AquaBounty to switch back to non-GMO fish again.

 ” AquaBounty’s salmon cannot be labeled as wild-caught since their fish are grown in factories,” GMO Free USA wrote.

“Let’s make sure this company has no market for their GMO junk.”

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