7 Warning Signs of Vitamin C Deficiency – UK - Clean Living Company

Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is a pivotal nutrient which keeps the body safe from immune system deficiencies. As Power of Positivity explain, we need regular amounts of this vitamin to avert common diseases and serious health issues. Unfortunately, many people suffer from vitamin C deficiency. This deficiency is characterized by specific symptoms.

If you happen to experience any of them, make sure you consult your physician to determine the cause. Continue reading the article to discover the major symptoms of insufficient vitamin C levels.

Major Symptoms of Vitamin C Deficiency

If your body has low levels of vitamin C, it will “look for help” through the following symptoms:


  • Bleeding and swollen gums

Vitamin C is essential for the oral health. It is known to strengthen the epithelium tissue in the body and in the gums; this tissue acts as a barrier for bad bacteria. When a person does not have sufficient vitamin C, the gums will swell and bleed much easier. If the problem is left untreated, it can cause receding gums and increase the risk of periodontitis, a disease associated with gum damage and infection and tooth loss.

  • Nose bleeds

Vitamin C is essential for strong capillaries, including the ones in the nose. Lack of vitamin C can result in frequent nose bleeds, especially since the blood vessels in the nose are quite sensitive.

  • Slow wound healing

When your wounds or bruises do not heal as they normally do and when it takes more time than usually, it could be a result of vitamin C deficiency. This is because vitamin C is essential for the process of tissue connection, which is pivotal for wound healing. It also plays a role in the repair of tissues and in averting wound infections.

  • Low mood

If you cannot find a reason for your bad mood, you may need to check your vitamin C levels. Namely, this vitamin is necessary in the process of maintaining good mood.

  • Rough, red, and dry skin

Vitamin C is pivotal for the collagen synthesis and the process needs to go smoothly so that the skin complexion is optimal. When there is not enough vitamin C in the body, the risk of keratosis pilaris is much higher. This is a skin problem more common in younger individuals; however, it can happen in anyone, regardless of age. In addition to boosting your vitamin C through the right foods and supplements, help your skin by using quality moisturizers and lotions rich in vitamins that will keep the skin safe and prevent wrinkles.

  • Susceptible to colds and flu

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that protects your body from infections. It also helps the production of white blood cells that support the overall immunity against viruses and bacteria.


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