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I wish I could continue to pretend sushi was healthy. I always felt good, indulging on sushi because it was fish, so it had to be good for me..right?

Sadly, that is not the case, at least not in the USA and I’m here to tell you why.

Rice vinegar

You take the risk, when eating out, of eating rice vinegar made with High Fructose Corn Syrup. Most, but not all, have HFCS on its ingredients label. HFCS can cause heart disease, organ damage, irreversible brain and nerve damage, for example.


Organic rice would be expensive to use at sushi restraunts. This may not bother some of you, but the amount of rice may. Once I started making my own sushi I was shocked to know, in one roll there is 2 cups of rice! Rice is often contaminated with arsenic, since it absorbs this metal more than many other types of plants, according to an article published in “Consumer Reports” in November 2012. Although, brown rice tends to have higher levels than white rice. Consuming too much arsenic may increase your risk for cancer or other health problems.


Table salt, also referred to as iodized salt, contains aluminum. Aluminum has a long list of dangerous health conditions: gastrointestinal problems, colic, rickets, interferes with the metabolism of calcium, anemia, extreme nervousness, headache, decreased liver and kidney function, memory loss, speech problems, softening of bones, aching muscles, seizures and reduced mental alertness.


Soy Sauce

 94% of soy in the USA is from a GMO source. I recommend a fermented organic soy sauce such as, Tamari Soy Sauce for optimal digestion. In ancient Asian cultures, soy wasn’t considered to be safe for ingestion until they learned how to ferment it.  Unfermented soy sauce should be avoided because it has:

  • Phytoestrogens that lead to infertility, decreased libido, breast cancer and uterine fibroids.
  • Goitrogen interrupts normal thyroid function.
  • Phytic Acid prevents our digestive system from absorbing nutrients.


Tempura is usually made from flour and cornstarch. Those of you who are gluten-free already avoid this batter and the rest of us should too. Gluten can cause serious problems for our bodies. I’ll list a few here: celiac disease, bloating, stomach pain, diarrhea, fatigue, pain in bones and joints, inflammation in the intestine, degenerated intestinal lining, leaky gut, IBS, and neurological illness such as cerebellar ataxice. Our bodies do not digest wheat well. It is not even close to the grain it was a century ago.

Now, onto the cornstarch. 88% of the corn grown in the USA is grown from GMO seeds. Unless it is “organic” corn, I’d have to say it has been genetically modified.

Fry oil

The most likely used oils to fry their tempura would be one of these oils. Soybean oil (94% GMO), Cottonseed oil (93% GMO), Canola oil (90% GMO), and Corn oil being 88% GMO. This information is what made me want to dig a little deeper into the ingredients of my “healthy” sushi.

Farm-raised fish

Most of the restraunts will be serving farm-raised fish. Unless you are at an expensive, fancy Restraunt that is advertising “wild caught” fish. Farm-raised fish are fed with GMO corn and soy. Antibiotics are also added to their food for the fish to ingest.

Have you ever seen the color of farm-raised salmon?! It’s GRAY! The “salmon” color in farm-raised salmon is artificial. Canthaxanthin or Astaxanthin are fed to the fish to dye their meat the “salmon” pink color.

Fish eggs/Fish roe

The fish eggs aren’t always the most appealing to the eye, so often, food color is added. This enhances the color of the eggs or the translucency to help it look more appetizing.

Imitation crab

This is a really hard one for me. Crab was my favorite sushi roll, until I learned it was most likely imitation and what that actually meant. Imitation crab is basically a fish hot dog. It is made with all the fish bits and parts nobody wants. These bits of fish are frozen, grated, flavored with artificial ingredients, starch is added and then it’s formed into a flat surface. Food coloring is added to one side to give it its “crab” color and then is cut into strips ready to be added to your favorite crab roll.


I use ginger often in my home for natural remedies. The pink pickled ginger being offered with your sushi, is something completely different. Pickled ginger is typically made by soaking fresh ginger slices  in salt, rice vinegar and sugar. The sushi ginger is sugar free and made with aspartame. Aspartame is not a good sugar substitute, it has been shown to cause: eye problems, headaches and migraines, diabetic problems, prevention of weight loss, enhanced mood disorders, inflammation and joint pain, stomach cramps, increased risk of seizures, hearing problems and possible forms of cancer. The pink color is added with food coloring, fresh ginger has a natural soft golden color.


Wasabi, like horseradish, is a root. True wasabi is expensive because it is hard to grow. When you eat wasabi at your favorite sushi spot, that green paste is actually a blend of ingredients: horseradish, mustard, starch and green food coloring. If often contains other inexpensive ingredients such as, aluminum and sorbitol (which is made from GMO cornstarch and has a laxative effect). As we read earlier, this additional aluminum and laxative are probably not welcomed on your dinner plate.

A common list of ingredients in wasabi would look like: Horseradish, lactose (milk), rice bran oil, sorbitol, salt, water, natural flavor, turmeric,  xanthan gum, citric acid, artificial colors (FD & C Yellow # 5, FD &C Blue # 1).

I’m not suggesting you never indulge with sushi again, but I think we should all be informed of what our food is made of. I used to go once or twice a month to an all-you-can-eat sushi restaurant. Now, I go maybe once a season and I make better choices at the sushi bar. I needed to be honest with myself, not all fish is healthy, especially the sushi on my plate.



If you want your liver to function properly (eliminate toxins and cleanse all the impurities) you should consume reishi mushrooms daily. In, a study in Food and Chemical Toxicology  showed that using reishi mushroom reversed chemical-driven liver damage in mice. Reishi mushroom is known for its anti cancer properties. It eliminates  free radicals and promotes liver cell regeneration. Just take 1/2 tablespoon a day!

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