Heart Attacks Striking Younger Women | Johns Hopkins Medicine

There are several factors associated with a person’s risk of a heart attack. This list includes lifestyle habits and family history.

In a large study done in Sweden and published in the American College of Cardiology journal in 2014, it was found that five specific lifestyle factors like a healthy diet, regular workout, and quitting smoking may decrease one’s risk of heart attacks by a total of 80 percent.

The researchers from the Stockholm Karolinska Institute wanted to discover the percentage of certain healthy habits, both individually or in a group, that helped these people decrease their risk of a heart attack.

How Was the Study Conducted?

For the purposes of the study, men between the ages of 45 and 79 were included in the study, back in 1997. All of them were questioned about their daily activities such as diet and info about their weight, family history of cardiovascular disease, and education.

For a period of 11 years, 20,721 men without any history of heart disease, diabetes, or cancer were closely monitored.

The team found that five lifestyle habits contributed to the prevention of a heart attack. The men who followed all five habits had the lowest risk or a reduction of 80 percent.

5 Easy Ways to Drop Down Your Heart Risk by 80 Percent?

According to the study, here are the five habits that helped the participants reduce their risk of heart attack:

  • 36 percent lower risk by quitting smoking

Smoking is a habit that is life-threatening and should be avoided.

In this study, the men who had never smoked or at least quit some two decades before the start of the study had a 36 percent lower risk of a heart attack.

  • 20 percent lower risk by following a healthy diet

A healthy and mostly plant-based diet may reduce your risk of heart attacks and other diseases like cancer and diabetes.

In the study, a healthy diet was comprised of at least five servings of fresh fruits and veggies daily, four servings of whole grains, one or more servings of low-fat dairy, and two servings of healthy fish per week.

Even if the participants consumed foods that aren’t recommended like red and processed meat, they still had the same 20 percent lower risk.

  • 12 percent lower risk by reducing belly fat

Getting rid of belly fat, particularly visceral fat, is pivotal for better health.

In the study, the participants with a waist circumference less than 38 inches had a 12 percent lower chance of heart attack when compared to the men with a bigger waistline.

  • 11 percent lower risk by drinking less often

Moderate intake of alcohol helped the participants decrease their risk of heart attack by 11 percent.

Consistent research shows that moderate alcohol intake lowers the chance of heart attacks and strokes.

The researchers have reservations about the benefits of alcohol because, as soon as the intake goes over two drinks per day, the negative effects outweigh the benefits.

  • 3 percent reduction by regular physical activity 

The men in the study who cycled 40 minutes every day and worked out at least for 60 minutes weekly had a 3 percent drop in their risk of a heart attack.

This percentage is low if we take into account the strong benefits of exercise not just for the heart, but for оур overall health.

Without a doubt, the more we move, the better it is!

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