Ancient German Remedy to unclog Arteries

Though its use dates back to ancient times, this German remedy is still helping people today to better their overall health. The 3 potent ingredients combined in it are able to address congested arteries, decrease the level of fat in the blood, and treat common cold and infections.

When you cleanse your blood vessels from bad cholesterol naturally, you need no over-the-counter meds that often come with a lot of side effects. The garlic and lemon present in the remedy are considered to be one of the optimal detoxifiers of the blood vessels. They also have the power to lower the bad cholesterol, strengthen the walls of the blood vessels, and minimize the chance for atherosclerosis.

They are also rich in numerous antioxidants that are known to be highly beneficial in fighting off infections and averting colds and the flu. Their anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory power helps make this beverage a super tonic. Continue reading the article to check out the recipe-you need only a couple of simple ingredients that are easily affordable and the procedure is very simple.

DIY Ancient German Remedy with Lemon & Garlic

You will need:

4 garlic heads

3 lemons, with the peel

5-inch ginger root

2 liters of water

½ tbsp of raw honey, optional

1 tsp of cayenne pepper, optional

4 liter glass jar

Preparation: First, clean and then slice the garlic bulbs in half. Then, cut the lemons into half-moon shape and slice the gingers into smaller cubes. Put the ingredients into a 4 liter gallon jar and add the optional ingredients if you are going to use them. Next, warm up the water slightly and transfer it into the jar. Close it and keep it in the fridge for 2 to 3 days before usage.

Use: Drink one glass on an empty stomach one hour prior every meal for three weeks. Then, take a break for one week and continue again for three more weeks.

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