Why Chicken was tainted with Arsenic since 1944 -

If you are old enough you can remember when all chicken in the US was basically organic.  I can remember when Kentucky Fried Chicken was even good chicken!  But then in the late 80’s and early 90’s (along with a name change) the chicken became gelatinous with less meat on the bone and more tendons.  The same can be said with the chicken we buy in the store.  That is because, as to no surprise, US chicken started to have a ton of man-made and chemical processing and farming techniques imposed on it.  Many of these techniques resulted in radically changing the nutritional value of chicken… and its safety!

One glaring example is a recent revelation from the FDA (according to the Associated Press) that US chicken contains arsenic.  Arsenic, by the FDA’s own admission is a carcinogen (meaning it can cause cancer).  A study published in the Journal of American Medical Association found that individuals who consumed arsenic-tinged rice demonstrated high levels of inter-cellular changes that indicate cancer growth.  Numerous other studied have shown arsenic to be associated with Bowen Disease (and other carcinomas). In some cases (less frequently) exposure to arsenic can cause damage or cancer growth in the lungs, kidneys, liver and bladder.

Clearly arsenic is bad, but the real story is how it got in chicken to begin with.  The short answer is it was intentionally put there… in their food!  The product (made by Pfizer) called Roxarsone, was added to chicken feed (some say about 70% of all feed in the US) to fatten up the chickens and give the meat a nice pink color.  The FDA has recently pulled the plug on this product which is being phased out.

The Wall Street Journal reports:

“The agency said it recently conducted a study of 100 broiler chickens that detected inorganic arsenic at higher levels in the livers of chickens treated with 3-Nitro compared with untreated chickens … Pfizer said sale of 3-Nitro would be stopped by early July in order to allow animal producers to transition to other treatments.”

Despite the recent ban on Roxarsone, foreign countries still often ban the importation of US chicken.  Why?  That is because a host of manual (unnatural) intervention in chicken farming is still allowed.  For example, farmers are still allowed to use Hypochlorous acid (a byproduct of chlorine).  This also helps fatten the chickens by making them retain water (notice the pads on the bottom of chicken packages used to soak up this water weight).  However, the more the water the chickens absorb, the more chlorine they ingest as well.  The more chorine they ingest, the more you ingest!  Remember, chlorine was used in chemical warfare in World War 1.

The best way to avoid exposure to harmful chemicals in US raised chicken is to buy only organic, free-range chicken!

Take Spirulina to Detox Your Body Of Arsenic

It’s loaded with minerals, enzymes, antioxidants and amino acids. It detoxes the body by flushing fluids from the cells and replacing them with all this good stuff in spirulina.

Add the following to a warm bath:

½ cup spirulina, mixed in a pitcher of warm water

½ cup sea salt

5 drops essential oil (I like to use a mixture of lime, bergamot and grapefruit).

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