Let’s face it… we all want to have eternally beautiful and youthful looking skin.  Who doesn’t right?  It seems every year we see aging women with unlimited means (like the rich and famous) look younger and younger while we simply just age.  It seems unfair but not surprising.  After all, they can afford access to the leading experts in anti-aging and dermatology.  A new book by Debra Jaliman, MD, entitles “Skin Rules: Trade Secrets from a Top New York Dermatologist”, at last gives us all access to “top expert” advice!

Why a Hyaluronic Acid Supplement Is the Secret to Younger-Looking Skin

Dr. Jaliman rightly points out that taking internal supplements (as opposed to topical applicated products) like collagen is the best way to fight off the effects of aging.  However, she points out there is perhaps more that you can be doing.  Hyaluronic Acid (HA) is a molecule naturally produced in our body and found in skin, joints and eyes.  The main function of hyaluronic acid is to lubricate your body parts and skin.  Recently, HA has been a popular addition to face-creams and body-lotions.

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However, to fully enjoy and obtain the benefits of HA, internal supplementation of HA in coordination with collagen supplementation is ideal.

“Hyaluronic acid is popping up in serums and creams everywhere, promising to give you younger-looking, firmer skin. But taking it as a supplement may be more effective at combating wrinkles”, says Debra Jaliman, MD. “Hyaluronic acid supplements are well-known for their skin benefits,” added Jaliman.  “They help alleviate dry skin which in turn reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.”


Further Dr. Jaliman says, “Collagen consumption can increase skin elasticity and can help your body’s skin repair process, thus encouraging your body to form new collagen.  Consuming HA together with collagen will boost the effects of both.  Taking hyaluronic acid and collagen supplements help incorporate extra amounts into the body which will eventually benefit your skin.”

To take Dr. Jaliman’s advice, take 100mg of hyaluronic acid once per day with a meal.  Also, take high quality collagen supplements twice a day, mixed into your coffee, tea, smoothie, yogurt, etc.


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