You can get rid of mosquitoes without spending money by using a powerful insecticide found in the kitchen that, unlike commercial insecticide sprays, requires only two ingredients.

Spring is coming and with it, the arrival of mosquitoes. As temperatures rise, these annoying insects resume their activity and can become a real problem for many people. It is important to take preventive measures, such as eliminating places where water accumulates and using repellents, to avoid bites and the diseases they transmit.

Insects, role in the ecosystem
Insects are a class of animals that represent the largest group of animals on earth. Due to their abundance, insects come into contact with humans in a variety of ways, both positive and negative.

Mosquitoes are one of the insects that most often come into contact with humans. These insects are annoying because they can bite and suck blood for food. Besides annoying bites, mosquitoes can also pose a danger to human health, as they can transmit diseases such as malaria, dengue fever, and West Nile virus.


Another insect that can be bothersome is flies, particularly fruit flies, which can enter the home and lay their eggs on food. This can lead to contamination and the proliferation of bacteria and other microorganisms that can cause health problems.

Bedbugs are another insect that can cause many problems, especially in the home environment. These insects feed on human blood and can cause itchy and irritated skin. The presence of bed bugs in a home can be difficult to eliminate and often requires professional intervention.

The most powerful insecticide against mosquitoes? In the kitchen
An effective insecticide spray can be made with just a few ingredients, which you can find throughout the house. This spray is capable of chasing away annoying insects that could invade the house and garden during the summer season. The ingredients needed to prepare this product are vinegar and cinnamon.

White wine vinegar against mosquitoes

It may seem necessary to use harsh chemicals to control insects such as flies, mosquitoes, wasps, vermin and aphids that feed on your plants.

It is important to avoid the use of chemicals because many studies show that they can lead to declines in insect populations, including bees, and potentially pathological conditions for humans.

Cinnamon and vinegar against mosquitoes
Cinnamon and vinegar are two ingredients that work effectively as insecticides and are also environmentally friendly. Cinnamon is rich in essential oils that can promote the well-being of the body.

Whole cinnamon sticks

In Chinese medicine, it is often used as an analgesic and to fight intestinal viruses. Additionally, cinnamon contains high amounts of iron and calcium, making it a natural mineral supplement.

Cinnamon doesn’t just make candy sweeter

appetizing thanks to its scent, but it is also an odor that many insects find unpleasant. This makes it a useful ally in the fight against insects, especially mosquitoes. It is an extremely effective spice as an insecticide. You can use sticks, powder or essential oil to make your own insecticide spray.

Goodbye mistakes
To make a pet-safe insecticide spray, you can fill a spray bottle half with vinegar and half with water.

To make the mixture more effective, you can add 20 drops of essential oil or four cinnamon sticks. If you are using essential oil, you do not need to wait for the mixture to decant. However, if you use cinnamon, you may need to wait a few days for the spice to release the essential oil into the liquid.

Essential oil

The value of cinnamon lies in its ability to repel mosquitoes, making it a natural repellent to spray on skin and clothing, as well as around plants, to prevent eggs from settling in saucers.

The preparation made from water, vinegar and cinnamon can also be used as an insecticide spray to protect the home and garden from harmful insects. However, caution should be exercised when applying to the skin as cinnamon can cause irritation.



By ruby

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