The most popular way to prepare lemon water is to squeeze the juice from the lemon and mix it with water. However, this makes you lose a significant part of the nutrients present in its bark. Indeed, the latter is rich in pectin and flavonoids. Pectin is even mainly present in the zest of the citrus fruit. So here is for you, the best method for preparing lemon water.


  • 2 lemons, preferably organic
  • 1 L of water
  • A few mint leaves


  1. To do this, start by harvesting the zest from the lemons by grating them, then squeeze the juice. Mix everything with the water, then add the mint leaves to flavor your drink.
  2. Depending on your preferences, you can also add honey for a sweeter taste.

Lemon is a fruit that has many medicinal properties.

It protects the heart: Rich in vitamin C, this citrus fruit reduces the risk of stroke and heart disease. Indeed, a study indicates that the consumption of fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C would effectively protect cardiovascular health.

It prevents kidney stones: Kidney stones can accumulate in the kidneys and become disabling for those who suffer from them. According to a scientific article, the

The action of citrus fruit would be due to its citric acid content which would increase the volume of urine, bind to calcium while preventing the formation of crystals.

It protects the digestive system: Lemon contains pectin, a soluble fiber which helps improve intestinal transit. Indeed, as explained in a study published by Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics, fiber helps combat constipation by speeding up the digestive system.

It helps to lose weight: Lemon contains polyphenols, antioxidants which help fight damage caused by free radicals. A study proves that these compounds would also have a considerable benefit in managing body weight. Indeed, lemon has demonstrated in vivo its ability to reduce fat accumulation and limit weight gain.

By ruby

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