Former model Candice-Marie Fox’s doctors told her that she had just five years left to live—but this miraculous cancer cure that she stumbled upon changed everything!

In 2011, Candice was diagnosed with thyroid cancer, and underwent surgery to remove over 20 lumps above her left collarbone. In a devastating turn of events, a check-up later revealed that the operation had not eliminated the cancer; in fact, the cancer had also spread to Candice’s liver, as well as the back of her neck.

The doctors told Candice that she had a maximum of five years to live, and advised her to start chemotherapy. She refused, and instead embarked on a scheme to overhaul her life—a scheme that unexpectedly led to her discovering an all-natural, non-invasive cancer cure.

cancer cure candice-marie


No alcohol. No meat. A fruit-based diet, and consuming up to 3 pineapples per day. With just a few simple lifestyle changes, Candice’s Stage 4 cancer was almost completely gone within just half a year.


In particular, Candice credits her excessive consumption of pineapples (alongside other fruits such as lemons, grapefruits, apples, and kiwis) in helping her eliminate her cancer.

Why is pineapple particularly potent in curing cancer? The answer lies in Bromelain, an enzyme that is housed in pineapple stems.

As it turns out, Bromelain is exceptionally effective at fighting cancer. According to research from the Planta Medica journal, amongst other sources, Bromelain is “superior” to the chemotherapy drug 5-fluorauracil in treating cancer due to its “selective cytotoxicity”.

This requires a bit of breaking down, so here’s the back story: 5-fluorauracil is a chemotherapy drug that’s been around for about 40 years or so. This drug is extremely toxic, with its Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) stating that repeated or prolonged exposure to it is likely to produce “organ damage”, as well as “general deterioration of health”.

Essentially, 5-fluorauracil is unable to differentiate between healthy and cancerous cells, and destroys both categories of cells (which is why patients undergoing chemotherapy always experience lethargy and fatigue). Bromelain, on the other hand, only acts to destroy cancer cells selectively.

That’s not all—after conducting rigorous clinical trials, several researchers in Europe concluded that Bromelain also acts to minimize the side effects of cancer and tumours, such as nausea, fatigue, and weight loss. By consuming large doses of Bromelain on a daily basis, you’re essentially helping your body defend itself against the above-mentioned side effects, and empowering it in its battle against cancer.


After just six months of altering her lifestyle, Candice went back to her doctors and underwent a test for thyroglobulin (a protein produced by cancerous cells).

She was ecstatic to find that her thyroglobulin levels had decreased drastically from 13 nanograms per millilitre to 0.7 – which she took as proof that her unorthodox method of using pineapple as a cancer cure had indeed worked.

Subsequently, Candice returned for another test, and this time, her thyroglobulin levels dropped further to 0.2 nanograms per millilitre. This is in the normal range for healthy people, and her doctors gave her a clean bill of health, and officially pronounced her cancer-free!


Find it tough to consume large amount of pineapple? You can also reap the same benefits of Bromelain by consuming it in juice form. Rather than just having pineapple juice on its own, incorporate other fruits so that you can take in more nutrients and vitamins, and at the same time switch it up, taste-wise.

For a start, try adding citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, and limes to your pineapple juice. These fruits are known to boost immune function, and they’re also anti-angiogenic, meaning that they reduce the growth of blood vessels which act as nutrient delivery mechanisms for cancer and tumours.


Watch the video below, of interviews between Chris Wark of and Candice-Marie Fox. These interviews were conducted on two separate occasions. You may like to watch the first video which is the short version, or the second one is the full, long version. This is a remarkable story!

Her Dietary Protocol (Simplified Version)

Days 1-7:  All fruit diet with a beet root, carrot, celery juice

Days 8-10:  Same diet but no juice.
Took vitamin K and sodium selenite (a form of selenium)

Days 11-14: Vegetables, soaked almonds, avocados, etc.

Then repeat the cycle.

Important Note:

Whilst Candice successfully cured her cancer using a fruit-based diet, results may differ on a case by case basis. The information presented in this article is general in nature; cancer patients who are considering taking up fruit-based diets, or any alternative therapies are advised to discuss this with their doctor.

By ruby

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