Around two to three decades ago, our parents had no access to the internet, or to an endless supply of parenting books to ensure that they were doing a good job. They just had each other and their own life experiences. So, everything they taught us stemmed from what they had learned along the way. Although this was helpful in some regard, it also limited them as parents because they were not exposed to different perspectives and ways of life. Therefore, children were raised intuitively, which looks very different from the way we raise kids now. Our parents did their best with what they knew and had, but there are still rules that they followed rigidly that puzzle us today. Raising kids just doesn’t come as naturally as people assume and people still depend heavily on parenting tips of the past. But, it’s time to debunk a few that have never been true to begin with.

Here are 5 parenting myths that people have believed for ages:

1. Sugar Will Make Your Kids Hyper And Hard To Control

Sugar Will Make Your Kids Hyper And Hard To ControlImage: IStock
Your child may be going crazy but it’s not because of the sugar. Even though most parents will swear up and down that it’s the chocolates and the ice creams that make their children active, this just isn’t true. This buzz filled misconception stems from the fact that we assume that increased levels of blood sugar give us higher levels of energy. But our bodies just don’t work that way. Moreover, sugar intake has no effect on a child’s behavior (1). There can be a long list of other factors that may influence your child’s hyperactivity and restlessness, like sleep.

2. You Need To Respond To Every Mistake Of Your Child

If You Dont Respond To Every Mistake Or Misbehavior With A Firm Hand, You Will Lose Control Of The KidsImage: IStock

Parents, it’s time to let the small things slide. Just like you do with every relationship, sometimes concessions have to be made in order to maintain the peace, even with your child. We don’t mean that you have to give up on declining them on all fronts. But nitpicking the tiny mistakes and missteps will not help you shape a well rounded human being. If anything it will turn your child into a very frustrated and insecure human being. Besides, excusing them for some mistakes and misgivings as they figure life out does not mean that you will lose control of them. If anything your children will respect you and adore you for being so understanding and will work harder to make you happy.

3. Nothing Can Be Done About The “Terrible Twos”

You Cant Do Anything About The Terrible TwosImage: IStock

Parents usually find it impossible to control or handle these changes. Keeping up with them is a full time job. However, it is important to keep in mind that these developments are absolutely normal. And parents just need to stock up on some patience. Just because your child has decided to turn into a mini hulk every now and again doesn’t mean they cannot be reasoned with at all.

4. Praising Your Child Will Make Them Smarter

Praising Your Child Will Make Them SmarterImage: IStock

If only intelligence worked that way. Many parents believe that praising their kids will make them smarter but it may have the opposite effect instead. While praising your kid for getting good grades looks like a great thing to do in your eyes, it takes the focus off of learning and lays emphasis on just looking good. So instead of learning, your child will worry about the result and nothing else. They will want to impress you in order to gain your praise again and will take up easier tasks in order to succeed instead of attempting challenging ones due to the fear of failure.

5. Your Kids Don’t Understand Your Emotions

Your Kids Dont Understand Your EmotionsImage: IStock

Parents often assume that they are the only ones who can tell when their baby is upset or happy, but the reverse is true as well. This is a two way street. Your kids can not only differentiate between your emotions but can also pick up on them. They know when you are upset or when something is wrong, even when you try to hide it (2). So even if you are angry for some reason, set an example of how to work through it healthily. Try to express your emotions in positive ways so that your children learn to do the same.

Parenting is never easy. No matter what decade or century you draw parenting inspiration from. But that doesn’t mean that you should be oblivious to these myths that have been around for way too long. Is there something we missed out on? Let us know in the comments below!

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