When the flu hits , we quickly resort to medications, supplements and syrups, but we forget that we can also find valuable help in natural remedies. Food contains all the ingredients that are the basis of the medications we take. For example, in honey and onions we find everything we need to  relieve coughs

Coughing is a defense mechanism that the body suddenly produces to empty the air from the lungs. Its purpose is to expel strange or harmful substances into our respiratory tract.

With the honey and onion, consider making a nice natural syrup with tremendous antimicrobial, antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties.

Principle of action of onion against cough

The onion is made up of sulfur compounds:

  • These are anti-inflammatory and anti-infectious.
  • They will also promote the expulsion of mucus and expectoration by thinning secretions, a bit like medicinal thinning products.

Additionally, onion contains  vitamin C  which is useful in fighting diseases.

Ingredients and Preparation

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  • An onion
  • 400 ml of water
  • Lemon juice
  • Tablespoon of honey
  1. You will be asked to peel the onion into pieces (small or large, to your taste!).
  2. Then put the onion in boiling water for about 15 minutes and cool for 5 minutes and then add lemon and honey.
  3. Now that your syrup is ready, you can then take it 2 to 3 times a day.
  4. Very effective in relieving coughs and preventing all seasonal illnesses.

By ruby

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