The moment you enter parenthood, people around you start seeing you as a free suggestion box. You will receive advice, and some may contradict your parenting style more than you can imagine. Having people say different things about how you should raise your baby often puts you in a pickle, and you start to question your own decisions. However, you should know that every child is different and cannot be placed under the same roof of parenting. Hence these bits of advice also don’t always hold true. Here are some comments parents receive that need to be brushed away before it interferes with your confidence. Read on to know them all.

1. Your Toddler Should Be Dressed In Warm Clothes

Your Toddler Should Be Dressed In Warm ClothesImage: Shutterstock

As a parent, you are always concerned that your child should not catch a cold as their immunity is low, but that does not mean you have to put them in layers of clothing. If your child is active and running, there is a chance that they could sweat in warm clothes. You can keep a soft towel to wipe away the sweat and change them into something comfortable once they are done playing.

2. Your Toddler Should Be Independent Of The Crib

Your Toddler Should Be Independent Of The CribImage: Shutterstock

A crib is a child’s first playground; they are naturally attached to it. Even when they are toddlers and have outgrown the crib, they might want to gather all their toys in the crib and sit there to play. And, there is nothing wrong with it. If your child finds peace in playing in the crib, it doesn’t mean they will not want to explore other places. Let them explore when they are comfortable with it instead of forcing them to play in the living room or outdoors.

3. You Should Not Breastfeed More Than Necessary

You Should Not Breastfeed More Than NecessaryImage: Shutterstock

Breastfeeding is not just about feeding your child. It also creates a bond with your little one. While it is mandatory to breastfeed your child for the first six months, you can continue breastfeeding as you wean your child to semi-solid food. This also works the other way when people interfere with your parenting and shame you for not choosing to breastfeed your child after 6 months. It is totally your personal choice whether or not you want to continue breastfeeding after your child is one, and let no one interfere with this decision.

4. You Should Teach Your Toddler To Be Calm And Quiet

You Should Teach Your Toddler To Be Calm And QuietImage: Shutterstock

Calming a toddler is like throwing a glass of water to stop a volcano eruption. Unfortunately, toddler outbursts are a regular occurrence in a parent’s life, and even though they can put you in a tight corner, there is nothing you can do about it except for being patient and standing your ground. So anyone who gives you this advice has either forgotten their parenting days or has not experienced raising a toddler.

5. Children Should Be Made To Eat Everything

Children Should Be Made To Eat EverythingImage: Shutterstock

One thing every parent struggles with is feeding their child healthy things. So it is natural you are running out of ideas to make them eat their salad and veggie curry. While a healthy diet is essential for their growth, no toddler can be taught to eat everything at that age. It will come as they grow up, and it is imperative that you as a parent set examples of eating everything so your child learns to copy you the same.

6. Don’t Pick Up Your Baby Each Time They Start Crying

Don’t Pick Up Your Baby Each Time They Start CryingImage: Shutterstock

This unsolicited information is no good when you are a new parent with a howling child. Kids need attention, and that is not such a bad thing. As your little one grows up, they will find new things to get entertained with. Also, kids don’t just cry for attention; they might have something else bothering them that needs to be attended to soon. So the next time someone questions you about attending to every beck and call, just remind them most politely that you are the parent and not them.

7. You Should Toilet Train Your Toddler As Soon As Possible

You Should Toilet Train Your Toddler As Soon As PossibleImage: Shutterstock

It is easier said than done, and it is something your child should be excited to do rather than being forced into. It is true it gets convenient when your child is potty trained, but you need to be patient till that happens. It is said that when your child can pull down and pull up their pants on their own, you can begin to potty-train them. You can also talk to them about it and make it something they look forward to.

Being a parent gets much more complicated when people comment on your parenting techniques and suggest different things to you. The trick is to stick to your intuition and be polite but firm on your decisions. No one knows everything about raising a child, so it’s okay to be confused, but whatever you do should be your decision alone. Have you received any unwanted advice from your peers about raising your child? Let us know in the comments section!

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