Every parent wants their child to be happy, irrespective of what they do or what their beliefs turn out to be. We want the best for our kids which is why we push them to pursue a couple of hobbies, make sure they study well and try to be there when they need a shoulder to lean on. But this may not be enough to ensure that they turn out to be positive adults with a happy attitude towards life. There are a couple of things that every child has to learn to do to ensure that their future is smooth sailing. And it’s important for parents to ensure that they learn these skills when they are the most adaptable and attentive, that is, when they are little kids. Here are a few essential life lessons that your child should pick up in their early years in order to turn out to be a happy adult.

1. A Second Language

A Second LanguageImage: IStock

Learning a second language is not only beneficial in the long term but research also indicates that bilingual children tend to adapt to change more easily, have improved memory, and a better grasp of language in general (1). If these advantages weren’t reason enough, there’s the added benefit of enabling your child to communicate effectively in various parts of the world, which can expand their career prospects. Furthermore, scientists from the Rotman Research Institute in Canada have discovered that being bilingual can help delay the onset of Alzheimer’s disease in old age (2). Isn’t that incredible?

2. Teach Your Kids How To Problem Solve

As much as we’d like to do everything for your children, it is imperative that they know how to deal with problems by themselves as they grow. The first stage is to teach your child how to deal with a problem instead of resorting to throwing tantrums. As important as it is to recognize negative emotions, the goal is to find ways to move past them. Show your child it’s okay to ask you or another trusted grown up for help. Validate their emotions without making them dwell on them. Instead, ask them to come up with different solutions. Ask them what would make them feel better. Give them the autonomy they want and let them figure it out. Problem solving is a huge part of adulthood. You probably do it all day long everyday, so let your children exercise this skill as much as possible. And remember, an independent child is a happy child.

3. Swimming

SwimmingImage: IStock

Practicing any activity will help us live a happy and healthy life. What makes swimming different is that, besides being a skill that could save your child’s life in an extreme situation or open the door to different experiences. This simple skill is one that many people don’t possess but should as our world is mostly made up of water. Besides, it will make your child’s limbs stronger and help them better develop their coordination. And according to scientists swimming also helps the brain stay healthy for longer (3).

4. Health And Hygiene

Health And HygieneImage: IStock

A healthy person is a happy person. Teaching your kids how to be healthy and to practice good hygiene is an integral part of their personality development. Encourage your children to eat healthy, nutritious meals and to practice daily hygiene, like a set bath time. This will ensure that they grow up to be disciplined individuals who know how to present themselves well and therefore have good self esteem. Being well liked amongst their peers and having the ability to be productive and healthy will in turn lead to a happy and fulfilling life.

5. Cooking

CookingImage: IStock

Nothing feels better than being able to cook yourself a nice hearty meal. We all need to eat in order to survive and ordering take out on a daily basis isn’t feasible or healthy. So teaching your kids how to cook should be on top of your list of priorities. This doesn’t mean that we all need to train our children into the next Gordon Ramsey but they must understand how to put together a basic meal. This skill will help immensely when they move out and have to take care of themselves. Let them practice their cooking chops with you in the kitchen to guide them. They’ll definitely thank you later.

Teaching a child everything they need to know in order to become happy adults doesn’t have to be taxing and frustrating. Most of these things are just generic things that everyone must learn to do. But it’s important to ensure that your child learns to have fun and appreciate even the most mundane little moments. Happy parenting!

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