Every parent loves talking their kid up. Let’s be honest, we all think our child is the best. And when they procure a prize or any sort of achievement, we can’t help but gush a little bit. And a lot of us unknowingly take the credit for their hard work. But when you really think about it, you’ll realize that you’ve been doing this for a lot longer than you may recollect. Many parents attribute their parenting skills and styles to the behavior of their toddlers and even babies that have absolutely nothing to do with either. And it’s about time that they realized that some things are out of their hands and have nothing to do with them. So, in this article we have compiled a list of things that parents can’t take the bragging rights for. Read on to know more!

1. Having A Baby Who Sleeps Through The Night

Let’s be honest, we’d all be a little excited about this one. Having a baby who sleeps through the night is like getting your hands on a unicorn. But it really has nothing to do with anything the parents do. So the next time you hear a mama bragging about getting 8 hours of undisturbed sleep, just know that it’s not because of anything she did in particular. Some babies are just better sleepers than others. Besides, if a parent is going on about their newborn being a great sleeper, they probably have no idea what they are in for in the coming weeks. The truth is that you can’t parent your baby to sleep through the night. You can’t train them past establishing good sleep habits when they are a little older. But otherwise, you just flip a coin and hope for the best, because this is one factor that’s completely out of your hands.

2. Having A Great Eater

Having A Great EaterImage: IStock

Kids can be picky and particular about what they eat, how it’s made and how they eat them. To the point where it can leave you feeling frustrated and crazy. It’s hard to keep your cool when all you want is for your child to eat a well balanced meal, and that meal consequently ends up on the floor. But picky eater problems can also start well before switching over to solid foods. Some mothers struggle to nurse or bottle feed their babies due to several reasons.

Maybe their baby has a latching problem, or maybe the baby just doesn’t have a great appetite and needs medical attention. Whatever the case may be, your baby’s appetite has a lot more to do with them than it does to do with you. It’s not your fault if they are picky eaters, which is why you’re not the reason they are a great eater either. Some kids just have more accommodating palettes and nurse more easily than others. However if you are concerned about your baby not being able to breastfeed, you could also see a lactation specialist.

3. Having A Baby Who Is Potty Trained Early

Potty training is a tricky one. Because unlike most milestones, this is one road your little can cross only when they are ready for the big change. Contrary to popular belief, you cannot make or train your child to be ready for something they are not. You can’t force potty training onto them. Different children pick different times to indicate that they are ready to make the transition from diapers to the potty. So, if your little one miraculously decided to adapt to the potty when they were only two, but your other child needed to wear diapers till they were four, it’s okay. It’s not because you did something different, it’s because your kids are different. Remember, there is no right or wrong way or time to potty train your kids when they are at the toddler stage. So just relax and let nature take its course.

4. Having An “Easy” Baby

Having An Easy BabyImage: IStock

Did your parents ever tell you what an easy baby you were? You were always laughing, hardly ever cried and rarely fell in. And then when you had a baby, your entire world was turned upside down and you didn’t know what they were talking about. Well, that’s normal. Every baby is unique and comes with their own set of quirks. Maybe your child cries a lot, but someone else’s quiet one may like to eat dirt. You can’t pick and choose the family or set of challenges you are given. So learn to work with your child instead of wishing they were easier to handle.

It’s okay to be proud of your kids for everything that they do. But taking credit for something that you had no influence over will only lead you to blame yourself unfairly when things don’t go smoothly. So, make sure that you don’t brag about any of these things!

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