Everyone craves a hug, and your little one is no exception. The comforting embrace of a loved and trusted individual undoubtedly invokes feelings of warmth and security. Surprisingly, beyond these emotional benefits, hugging carries various advantages, especially in the realm of child development. Who would have thought? So, if you’re interested in delving into the scientific reasons behind the importance of embracing your precious child, aside from the fact that they’re incredibly cuddly, this article is tailor-made for you. Continue reading to discover more!

1. Hugs Create Happy Kids

Hugs Create Happy KidsImage: IStock

Indeed, showering your child with love and affection has remarkable benefits. This underscores the profound psychological impact of embracing your child. Hugging not only elevates a child’s self-esteem and self-confidence but also fosters and sustains their optimism (1). It’s clear that a sincere hug can have a profound and lasting impact. The three crucial psychological resources for effectively coping with life’s stresses are self-esteem, mastery, and optimism, all closely intertwined and known to provide a protective shield against the effects of challenging situations. Ultimately, this ensures your child’s happiness and sense of being loved, even when they encounter crises.

2. Hugs Teach Kids To Develop Empathy

Hugs Teach Kids To Develop EmpathyImage: IStock

Teaching and nurturing empathy and concern for others is a crucial skill for your children to acquire, akin to any other skill. Hugs play a significant role in this process. Embracing each other allows both you and your child to be fully present in the moment, delving into your emotional and psychological states. This exchange of energy and affection vividly demonstrates the genuine value of empathy to your child. Gradually, your little one will come to recognize how you use hugs to provide comfort when they’re sad or upset, fostering their comprehension of others’ emotions (2). Consequently, a hug serves as a valuable lesson, showing your kids the essence of empathizing with and loving others.

3. Hugs Can Help Stop Tantrums

Hugs Can Help Stop TantrumsImage: IStock

Addressing tantrums doesn’t have to revolve solely around punishments or pleading. Sometimes, all it takes is a comforting, extended hug and a touch of empathy to swiftly ease your child’s distress. Some parents may fret that embracing a tantrum-prone child might be seen as rewarding undesirable behavior, but this concern is unfounded. In reality, offering your little one a hug can aid in their emotional self-regulation. This is due to the release of oxytocin, often referred to as the “love hormone,” which occurs during a hug (3). When oxytocin kicks in, it works to soothe your child and alleviate their anxiety, leaving behind the days of tumultuous tantrums. Moreover, hugs can be just as effective in resolving disputes between partners more amicably and promptly (4). So, the next time you find yourself in a disagreement with your partner or your child, consider hugging it out!

4. Hugs Can Create Smarter Kids

Hugs Can Create Smarter KidsImage: IStock

Children require diverse sensory stimulation for their development, and this includes physical touch. Various forms of skin-to-skin contact are of great significance to your child’s growth. Numerous studies have shed light on this matter. Dr. Seth Pollak and his research team at the Waisman Center and the Department of Psychology at the University of Wisconsin‐Madison conducted a study that compared children adopted from orphanages to those raised in stable families.

The group of children raised in orphanages displayed more delays in motor skills and experienced impaired cognitive development, primarily due to the lack of tactile interaction (5). Further research has also indicated that providing an additional 15 minutes of tactile stimulation daily for 10 days to children in orphanages results in improved developmental assessment scores and more mature habituation, making them more active overall (6).

5. Hugs Helps Kids Grow

Hugs Helps Kids GrowImage: IStock

This may be hard to believe but hugging your child regularly really can help them grow. Scientists have discovered that a child’s body can actually stop growing normally if they are deprived of sensory touch and hugs in particular. How crazy is that! This is despite them receiving a regular and appropriate intake of vitamins and necessary nutrients (7). This condition is known as “failure-to-thrive” (8). Although this may sound complicated, the explanation is simple. The oxytocin that is produced while hugging has many positive effects, one of which is stimulating the growth hormone which can promote your child’s growth (9).

Showing your child that they are loved and safe through physical affection is something that all parents must do. And with these benefits to boot, we’re sure you’ll be hugging your little one any chance that you get. Happy parenting!

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