Just when you mastered the art of changing diapers through the wriggling, dancing, and trying to roll out while you are wiping them, it’s time to say goodbye to diapers, as your little one is now ready to be toilet trained. It may make you think that you are now free from having to put your hands in soiled diapers, but transitioning might take longer than you anticipated. As much as we’d like our little ones to take to potty training like a fish takes to water, sometimes things don’t go as planned. There are many reasons as to why parents want to start potty training, maybe the preschool you’ve enrolled your tiny tot into made it a requirement or maybe you’re just sick of changing diapers. Whatever the case may be, unfortunately, the success of all your potty training efforts depends on if your toddler is ready to take the leap. However if you’re trying to speed up the process, here’s everything you need to

1. Demonstrate How To Use The Potty To Your Child

Demonstrate How To Use The Potty To Your Child Image: IStock

Every child is a visual learner. Your child is inquisitive and has a keen sense of observation. So if you’d like them to pick up any skills, even potty training then try to show and not tell. Boys usually have a harder time when it comes to potty training as they may find it hard to aim. If this is the case, it may be beneficial for dad to show them how it’s done. You can also use your baby’s favorite doll or toy to teach them the right way to sit on a potty. This way they’ll also have someone to keep them company and keep them entertained!

2. Set A Timer For Your Child To Take A Poo Break

Yes we know that this sounds absolutely bonkers but it works! Kids don’t quite understand the concept of time when they are toddlers and so they are fascinated by timers. So why not incorporate it into your potty training strategy? You can have a timer go off every 20 to 30 minutes to signal that it’s time to sit on the potty to practice pooping and peeing. And this way your child will get accustomed to sitting on the potty in order to do their business.

3. Ditch The Clothes And Ignore The Accidents

Ditch The Clothes And Ignore The AccidentsImage: IStock

Potty training never goes as smoothly as one would hope. There are bound to be many accidents as your baby learns to use the potty. But that’s completely normal so don’t fret. Try to be encouraging when they get it right and ignore all the oopsies. Making a big deal out of the small messes they make will only embarrass them and deter them from trying to use the potty again. And you don’t want that! To make clean up easier, you could try removing your kid’s clothes before they attempt to use the toilet. This way, even if an accident takes place, a quick bath will fix the problem.

4. Reduce Their Fluid Intake At Night

Reduce Their Fluid Intake At NightImage: IStock

As your child grows, the less they need to feed in the middle of the night. By the time your kid is ready to start potty training, there’s absolutely no reason for your toddler to be handed a tall glass of milk right before they head to bed. This can end up being a recipe for disaster. Instead, slowly reduce the amount of fluid they have before

5. Try The Reward System

Try The Reward SystemImage: IStock

Some parents think the best way to get your child to use the potty is to come up with some kind of reward system. Most of the time, food is a great motivator for kids. So you can let them have a small piece of candy whenever they use the potty the right way. If your child isn’t necessarily crazy about candy, count your blessings and offer them a small toy instead. Anything to get them to use the potty properly!

6. Try The Cheerios Method

It’s true that boys have a harder time with potty training than girls do. But there’s a way that you can rectify that. Sometimes it helps to have something to aim at while they are trying to pee into the potty. So you can throw in a cheerio or a petal, anything that’s easily visible and ask them to aim for it. This way they are more likely to aim somewhere near the potty instead of peeing all over your bathroom floor.

At the end of the day potty training takes time and practice. So be patient with your little one as they learn and eventually they’ll get the hang of it. Happy parenting!

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