Nurturing a baby is no easy feat. New mothers often get tired in the process and wish something was there to keep the child a little occupied. It is only natural that mothers look forward to their babies starting to play with toys because not only does that help the child spend time on their own but also affects the mother-child relationship positively. When a child starts getting involved with toys, their ability to perceive their surroundings and other senses gets better. Playing with age-appropriate toys also improves children’s reflexes and communication skills. Read on to know more about when you should start letting your baby play with toys.

When Exactly Do Babies Start Playing With Toys?

When Exactly Do Babies Start Playing With ToysImage: Shutterstock

It is undeniable that for a few months after a child is born, they only play with their caregivers and people who are consistently present around them. That is why it is important for the parents to be present as much as possible around the baby during the initial months. This helps in better bonding.

However, after a few months, as the baby grows up, they gradually become capable of playing with toys. Parents can get toys that are soothing to the eye or make very mild sounds. Such toys will make the child happy just by looking at them. They will also be able to squeeze them a bit and listen to the sounds that come out.

While it’s difficult to specifically point out the perfect age brackets for the kinds of toys a child should be playing with, a rough idea about the same can be given.

Zero To Two Months

Zero To Two MonthsImage: Shutterstock

As already mentioned, this is the time when the baby should be playing only with their parents and other close family members. The child should be given enough time so that they know who is present around them and bond with them well.

If you are keen on bringing them toys during this period, make sure to hand over toys that are vibrant and soft to hold. Babies of this age will not be capable of doing much more than holding the toy, so the toys should be soft to touch. The best idea is to buy hanging toys that can be hung from their cradles. Birds, animals, and other kinds of hanging toys would be best for children of this age group. The toys should ideally be hung at least 8-9 inches above the child.

Two To Four Months

Two To Four MonthsImage: Shutterstock

Now, after the initial two months, the child can still play with the old toys, but it’s a good idea to introduce them to new ones as well. You can buy them colorful rattles, stuffed animal toys, etc. The only condition is that the toys should be easily graspable and should not have any sharp edges. Simply look for squeaky, colorful, and soft toys for children belonging to this age group.

Four To Six Months

Four To Six MonthsImage: Shutterstock

Babies start gaining some strength from four months of age or so. They gradually become capable of holding, grabbing, and moving things with their bare hands. This is a good age to start giving them squeezable toys that make sounds. They can be given softballs to squeeze and similar kinds of toys.

Another thing to keep in mind is that children in this age bracket have a general tendency to put things in their mouths. They get more curious about things around them, so this is a natural reaction. It is, therefore, important to ensure that the toys they are given are made of safe materials that do not cause any serious damage even if they are put inside the mouth. It is better to not give them any tiny toys because they might swallow or choke on them.

Six To Twelve Months

Six To Twelve MonthsImage: Shutterstock

This is the period your child will be growing up fast, so it is a good time to introduce them to a variety of toys. You can bring them toys that can be thrown or held and the kind that will help them understand their surroundings better.

This is also a good period to introduce toys that will help them stand up and walk. Children generally try walking at this age, and the process can be smoother with the right toys.

Factors To Consider While Buying Toys For Your Baby

Factors To Consider While Buying Toys For Your BabyImage: Shutterstock

There are some essential factors that should be considered when you are purchasing toys for your kids. Some of these are mentioned below.

1. Check The Material

The toys you give your child, no matter what age group they belong to, should be made of safe materials. You should avoid buying toys that use cheap substances as that might have adverse health effects on your child.

2. Colors And Sounds

It is important that you give your kid toys that are colorful and make soothing sounds. Children, especially the younger ones, should have access to toys with vibrant colors so that they get happy simply by looking at them. Toys that make sounds or are interactive in nature help in keeping the child company and also entertain them well.

Since every child grows differently, there is no fixed set of rules regarding giving them toys. Some start playing with toys earlier, while others take more time. Depending on the nature of a child, the parents should decide when they would introduce what kinds of toys to their kids so that they can grow physically, emotionally, and intellectually. So, what is your take on the kinds of toys little children should be allowed to play with? Let us know in the comments section!

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