Honestly, the world is still not ready for this kind of chat. The moment you say things like, “I have decided not to have a child”, or “We don’t want to have children”, the first question will be a big WHY. It’s not that anyone other than the family will be able to help you in person or monetarily, but people will surely fill your head with thoughts like – you will regret this later, or you will be very lonely after a particular time. Children are a bundle of joy, but that is only when you are mentally prepared to welcome them into your life. There is nothing wrong with not being ready for a baby, and just because you are not ready now does not mean it won’t change a few years down the line. Here are some signs that you need to give yourself more time than jumping to being a mommy.

  1.  When you are unwell, you can’t even take care of yourself, let alone a child.
  1. You have the worst hangovers ever, so you can’t risk what will happen if you had a child.
  1. Watching meaningless cartoon series for your child is not your cup of tea.
  2.  You know you are not molded to be a mom, but you take particular pleasure in it.
  3. There is nothing more important to you than your freedom of travel.
28 Signs That You Are Not Ready To Have A Baby1Image: Shutterstock
  1. Nobody is as patient as you when it comes to saving money to spend it all on vacation.
  1. You spend way more time on your herb garden than you would spend on your children.
  2. The thought of sacrificing caffeine and late-night parties for your child will render you catastrophic.
  1. You feel you will never understand why your newborn is bawling without any reason.
  1. While you have spent the whole day gaming or reading a book, you don’t understand why a baby always needs attending to.
28 Signs That You Are Not Ready To Have A Baby2Image: Shutterstock
  1. You are a better mom to your cactus plants that grow with minimal effort on your side.
  1. A baby’s cry makes you really concerned about what you wouldn’t do to keep a baby out of your reach.
  2. You are not bad with children, but you would rather play with them and their toys than parent them and tell them that it’s past bedtime and they need to sleep.
  1. Patience is not your plus point, and you are worried about how you will keep yourself from not crying louder when your baby cries.
28 Signs That You Are Not Ready To Have A Baby3Image: Shutterstock
  1. You love your career so much that you wouldn’t want to take maternity leave and see someone else do your work. In a way, your work is your child.
  1. You would rather spend lavishly on vacations than pour all the money on baby diapers and laundry detergents.
  2. Since you are not a very easy going person, to think that you would have to deal with an advanced version of yourself is certainly someone you wouldn’t want to go for anytime sooner.
  1. You were not very successful with parenting your pet either. So you don’t want to take chances with your own baby as anything that holds you back gives you anxiety.
  2. According to you, it’s better not to attempt for a baby than to experiment with let’s see what happens. In a way, it is a more responsible choice.
28 Signs That You Are Not Ready To Have A Baby4Image: Shutterstock
  1. It is also natural that you want to spend more time with your partner and get to know him better. Having a child might distract you and get you both separate.
  2. You want to save and buy a home and a car before having a baby. Having bigger monetary goals might keep you busy, and you should accomplish them as babies are expensive, and you will need about 20 years just to make sure they are doing good on their own.
  1. You are not mentally prepared to lose your identity and be a mom to your kids. You love your name and what you work for, and you can’t give it all up just now.
  2. Also, a baby indeed needs a mom more in the first few years, and no matter how you and your partner plan it out, there will come a time when you have to leave your side of the world and be there for the baby.
  1. Your friends will not fit in your mommy troops, and you will hang out with other moms, which significantly changes your personality.
  1. Here is a thought, you hardly address yourself as a responsible adult. How will you settle disputes that your children have just because you are the elder?
28 Signs That You Are Not Ready To Have A Baby5Image: Shutterstock
  1. You don’t want to go through bodily changes when you have a baby. It does take a toll on your body, and you can do it only if you really want it.
  2. Seeing a baby on the road does not make you go aww. You only see them as a competitor, and you will tease them with silly faces that make them cry.
  3. Babysitting is something you never look forward to and is the worst punishment ever.

Now that you know how to know that you are not mentally ready for bringing up a baby, you can plan your family accordingly. Just because you don’t want to have a baby now does not mean you still haven’t started your family yet. You and your partner are a wonderful family, and you can be a wonderful mom to your pet or plants. Make sure you respect your decisions and work according to your instincts. So, which of these points could you relate most to? Let us know in the comments section!

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