George Clooney, Julia Roberts, and Jodie Foster recently sat down to discuss their new film “Money Monster” in an interview with TODAY. The film, which was directed by Foster, centers around a financial television host, played by Clooney, who finds himself in an intense hostage situation during a live broadcast. Roberts plays the producer of the show who works tirelessly to unravel the truth behind the hostage-taker’s motives.

The trio expressed their excitement about working together on this project. Clooney praised the strong script and was drawn to the film’s combination of thrilling suspense and thought-provoking themes. He acknowledged the relevance of the story in today’s world, particularly in terms of the public’s complicated relationship with financial institutions. The actor recognized that this film presented an opportunity to explore the consequences of our global financial system and the potential dangers it poses.

Roberts, on the other hand, admired Foster’s directing skills and felt that the film was not only a suspenseful thriller but also a character-driven piece. She discussed her character’s role as a strong and determined producer who must navigate through a high-pressure situation to protect her friend and colleague. The actress commended the film’s exploration of the power of media and its influence on people’s lives.

Foster, who has always been passionate about telling stories that have a social impact, explained that “Money Monster” examines the consequences of a society driven by money and the growing divide between the haves and the have-nots. She wanted to shed light on the everyday struggles faced by ordinary people affected by financial decisions made by those in powerful positions.

The interview touched on the themes of accountability and responsibility, with the actors expressing their hopes that the film would encourage audiences to question the current financial system. They discussed the need for transparency and for individuals to take control of their own financial futures.

In conclusion, the article highlighted the excitement and passion of the cast and director for their new film, “Money Monster.” They emphasized the thought-provoking themes explored in the movie and their hopes that it will spark important conversations about the state of our global financial system. The anticipation for the release of “Money Monster” is high, as audiences eagerly await the opportunity to be entertained, challenged, and inspired by this thrilling and socially relevant film.

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