Parenting can be quite a task irrespective of what age you choose to do it. Raising children takes a lot of effort and patience not to mention the need for mental, emotional, and financial stability. Although it is believed that it is better biologically to have kids early, this belief has taken a turn in the last couple of years. The average age of first-time parents increased significantly because of a need for career growth and success, and an emphasis on financial preparedness. The benefits of having children later on in life now seem obvious to the parents. You have more time to develop as a person and the added advantage of gaining knowledge and wisdom through life experiences. You also have the opportunity to travel, become worldly and make well-informed decisions. But what if we told you that having kids when you’re more mature also gives them an added advantage?

Let’s take a look at some unique advantages kids enjoy when their parents are older:

1. Increased Intelligence

Increased IntelligenceImage: Shutterstock

One cannot say for sure if two intelligent parents will produce an intelligent child as there are many factors that contribute to a child’s IQ. About 20 to 40% of a child’s intelligence is influenced by and inherited from their parents (1). The age of the parents play a significant role in the cognitive development of a child. For example, if the father is much older (usually over 50) there is an increased risk of the child failing grades and attaining lower educational achievements, which are unsatisfactory. This may be the result of a genetic mutation that occurs in older men (2). However, a child born to an older mother has a higher likelihood of sound cognitive development and intellectual intelligence which enables them to be better at school (3). This higher IQ can also be attributed to having a mother with more life experience and more career success who intellectually stimulates her children from a young age.

2. Better Mental Health

Better Mental HealthImage: Shutterstock

We know what you’re thinking! Most people assume that it would be the opposite as having older parents is thought to be a disadvantage. The common belief is that children will have to deal with ailing and aging parents, not to mention the early demise of their parents. Children conceived when their parents were in their forties and fifties experience parental loss at an early age which can be alarming and mentally taxing. However, because older parents are more stable before having a baby, the child enjoys the same stability throughout their lives which results in fewer mental issues. Having a less-experienced younger parent adversely affects the child’s mental health. Younger parents are still career-driven and have to work long hours to support their families. This means significantly less time to spend with the child which negatively affects their emotions. For example, children born to teen parents have increased difficulty in dealing with their emotions and behaviors because their parents were less settled and stable in life.

3. Better Social Life

Better Social LifeImage: Shutterstock

When children are little their parents make up their entire social circle. So the way they interact with them and who their parents introduce them to play a huge role in how socially aware they grow to be. Children are smart but uncivilized and must be taught how to act in socially acceptable ways. People assume that children born to older parents may be socially awkward but interacting with older people on a regular basis helps regulate their own emotions. They are better behaved and present fewer problems than their peers. Children born to older parents have the added advantage of benefitting from their maturity. So, they are more agreeable in nature and less likely to be rule breakers and generally do not exhibit aggressive behavior.

4. Affects Physical Well-Being

Affects Physical Well-beingImage: Shutterstock

Many studies have indicated that older parents can be the cause of several health risks and genetic mutations in their children. However, similar results can be seen in several cases where the mother is below the age of 25 (4). Moreover, it has been found out that children of older mothers are less likely to be hospitalized due to a sustained injury or illness (5). They are also more inclined to live long, healthy lives as they have mutations that protect their DNA which can be passed down from one generation to another. Not to mention that since older parents enjoy financial and career stability, they are more inclined to have insurance and afford good medical care for when their children fall ill. All these factors contribute to the overall wellbeing of the child.

When you are ready to have a baby is a personal choice, and if you feel like you are not ready, it’s okay to wait it out. Your child will benefit from a parent who is emotionally prepared for the responsibility of having a young one. Being financially stable and comfortable is a great plus point. Remember, parenthood is not a race. Take your time to do what feels right for you and best for your family. As you can see, there are many advantages to having children later on in life for both parties. Happy parenting!

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