When you do your laundry, you may find in particular sheets crumpled up inside the washing machine, but not only these, but also towels and sometimes clothes.

You expect to open the basket and find the fresh sheets clean and arranged, but instead they are a single tangle, impossible to untie, which also gives the feeling of being dirty.

At this point, either you use the iron or lying on these sheets becomes an operation reserved exclusively for those who have courage to spare. But don’t worry, because there are some tricks that prevent you from taking crumpled sheets out of the washing machine that have never been washed.

The incorrect habit that belongs to all of us women

First of all, it is important to specify that the habit we all have of saving money by washing sheets together with other items is incorrect. These should be washed separately from the rest, especially in the presence of different types of fabrics.


By separating the items, you have the possibility of using the indicated programme , to avoid having to fight against wrinkles sometimes caused by the wrong temperature or an excessively aggressive programme.

The knot technique, this is what it consists of

One method that works is the knot technique: you need to tie a knot in the sheets to wash them well, without taking them out wrinkled. In addition to dividing the items fabric by fabric, you also need to limit the load. If you fill the washing machine drum as much as you can, the clothes end up bunching up and tangling together. As a result they have no space to lie down and are not even washed well.

Washing becomes practically useless because the detergent cannot reach each specific item as it should, centimeter by centimeter. Those that absorb a lot of soap end up not being rinsed well or at all. This is why it is recommended to put only one pair of sheets in the basket so as to spread them out from the start of the wash and find them like this.

Choosing the right temperature avoids having sheets crumpled up inside the washing machine

Then, it is essential to set the right washing temperature : a very high temperature forms more wrinkles and makes the sheets less soft.

The ideal way to wash sheets and avoid taking them out in a ball is to rely on a delicate washing mode which is generally also indicated on the labels of the sheets themselves.

Scented laundry, that’s why it’s wrong to use a lot of detergent and fabric softener

When you want to get fragrant laundry, it is wrong to put excessive quantities of detergent or softener in the washing machine drawer because these products tend to ruin the clothes.

As for soap, Marseille soap is recommended as it is the only one that really works when used in the right quantities. Furthermore, the laundry becomes white again without having to resort to the classic bleach which is always added during washing but which unfortunately tends to yellow white items.

However, as regards fabric softener, it is generally added inside the drawer to soften tangled sheets, clothes or towels. If you exceed it, what you practically get is the opposite effect.

The advice is to add a pinch of citric acid: just pour 1 tablespoon into the fabric softener tray to obtain incredible results. To conclude, it is best to avoid starting the wash with a high spin. Wringing the clothes to remove excess water is correct but within limits.

Spinning, when is it recommended and which is best to set so as not to ruin the clothes

Removing too much water is good because this makes the drying process easier, especially in winter with low temperatures. On the other hand, if the clothes come out of the washing machine excessively wet, they take much longer to dry and end up smelling. So it’s better to squeeze them, but not completely.


This must be done carefully and with care because a high spin cycle only risks stressing the sheets by shaking and scrunching them up more than normal. As with everything, excess is what can cause harm.

The recommended type of centrifuge is the 600 rpm one . Then, before laying them out it is advisable to shake them vigorously, this serves to relax them completely and remove any creases. Once dry the difference is substantial, you don’t even need to turn on the iron.


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