20 Things No One Tells You About Pregnancy

When it comes to pregnancy, apparently everyone knows ‘everything about it (note how we used the word ‘apparently’). The crazy thing is that no matter how many books or magazines you read on pregnancy, you will only know that ‘real’ pregnancy is nothing like they say in the books.

Bored Panda made a series of humorous pregnant comics about those things your doctor might not have told you about, which we’re confident will be relatable to every parent out there. Take a look at the illustrations in the gallery below.


Let’s face it: Every pregnant mother knows what it’s like to be hit with a sudden urge to binge on some snack at any point in the day (or night). To top it off, your cravings are not just ‘super unexpected but also ‘super-we1rd. Blame the hormonal shift. According to doctors, a shift in the hormones produced by the body, especially the lowering of dopamine levels in the body will make you crave almost everything during pregnancy – even something as crazy as sausages with strawberry jam.

So, how do you deal with all these cravings? Super easy! Reach out to the delivery guy AKA the ‘husband dearest’.


Backache during pregnancy is a very common problem amongst most pregnant women. Not only can it cause trouble in sleeping but also impede you from doing the smallest of chores. So, be very careful not to let that door key slip from your buttery fingers or else… You are ‘h0meless’ (at least for a while!).


If you have always dreamt of buying those maternity outfits ever since you found out you are pregnant, get ready to spend those dollars. Because pregnancy clothes can be super expensive. Or, an easy way out is stealing your hubby’s clothes that are oversized for you. Voila! Problem solved.


Women have a heightened sense of smell during pregnancy. When it comes to a more acute sense of smell during pregnancy, you may once again point the finger at those troublesome hormones. Estrogen may make even the tiniest of scents feel like a full-scale assault on your senses.


You know what? Dump that phone in the bin (don’t really do that). Bu rn it to the ground (don’t do this either). And enjoy a luscious piece of cake! On a serious note, do not be bothered by all those perfect-looking moms on Instagram. It’s okay to chill out and relish in your comfort food amidst all the cramps, baby kicks, and whatnot.


Literally, anything can be an emotional trigger during pregnancy… even a cat doing a moonwalk!

In the first trimester of pregnancy, mood swings and weeping spells are quite typical. Having a kid, for example, is a life-changing event that can take some time to process emotionally. Breathe in and relax. It’s your pregnancy, so if you feel like crying, do so!


When the whole of your body is growing, why should your feet stay behind in the race? Your feet will continue to grow in size until late during pregnancy. This is because pregnancy causes a certain hormone to be released. This hormone intends to relax certain body tissues, including those in the feet, which results in a growth in foot size.

So Cinderella, if you find that one shoe that finally fits, hold on to it! You are not finding another anytime soon!


It’s okay! Nobody’s judging. Take that 5-hour long nap after all. You need it.


Is it the fifth time you went to that room to get ‘something’? Probably a vase? Or maybe your glasses… You will never know! The culprit behind you losing focus, forgetting things, and even stepping outside in your home clothes is what you call ‘mommy brain’ or ‘pregnancy brain’. For sure, it does not have a care in the world!


Here is the assurance you needed: No, it is not a bad idea to shift to the washroom entirely, because the urge to p.ee is not stopping anytime soon.


Sometimes you may feel bad about how you look. Just keep in mind that your body does not just need the utmost care but also sheer love. Do not downgrade the way you look. You are absolutely gorgeous – keep slaying!


You know what to do with those wildly varying and absolutely ridiculous pieces of advice. Flush them down the to1let!


All of a sudden you are a delicate petal rose to everyone, especially the man you love. Instead of complaining about it, why not use it to your fullest advantage?


Okay, we will give it to you straight: Childbirth can be a little scary sometimes. But, you are strong and the joy of bringing a new life into the world will far outweigh the fear.


We repeat, “Pregnancy is not a vacation”. For anyone who thinks otherwise, ask them to handle cramps, nausea, emotional triggers, blotting, baby kicks, and whatnot before they come to talk to you.


All of a sudden, you have ‘local’ paparazzi following you everywhere. All eyes on you, queen!


Heard of the pregnancy glow? It’s real and it’s amazing! Pregnancy will add a glorious shine to your already beautiful self.


You will have your bad days and good days. But it will be nothing like you read in the books!


That brown mark on your baby bump? Yes, that’s where your baby is secretly planning to spl1t you from! Beware!


All of a sudden, the door is a little too small for you. The car seat is less comfy than it should be. The seatbelts are an absolute nightmare. And getting through a crowd? A nightmare!

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