Dirty grout is a common household problem.With limitless cleansing pointers to be had online, it could be tough to figure the excellent methods. To help you out, I put several of these techniques to the test and share my findings. Read on to discovering my results…

I’ve tried three different methods – fresh lemon juice, 2-Oxiclean, and a sulfamic acid cleaner (available at most home improvement stores). I started by ensuring adequate ventilation by opening a window and wearing a pair of rubber gloves to protect my skin. If you intend to try these methods, remember to do a patch test in an inconspicuous area first to make sure you don’t have a negative reaction to your flooring material. Keeping in mind that my grout is gray – so it will never appear white.

1- Fresh lemon juice

I cleaned the grout lines with a slice of lemon before rubbing it in really well with my green Scotch-Brite pad.I observed a right away development in cleanliness. Then I rinsed off grout lines with a damp paper towel. The only tedious aspect of this method was removing the remnants of the pulp. Once it dried, the plaster looked noticeably better.


I prepared a small amount of Oxiclean in a plastic cup, maintaining a 1:1 ratio to create a liquid paste. Using an old spatula, I applied this mixture to the grout, making sure to stir constantly to prevent the Oxiclean from separating from the water and hardening. After letting it sit for 5-10 minutes, I cleaned it up with a Scotch-Brite pad. This method was very effective, but the Oxiclean left a white residue on the floor, requiring an immediate rinse with water and a deep cleaning afterwards.

3- Sulfamic acid cleaner

I mix sulfamic acid cleanser with lukewarm water, following directions on container. I poured this mixture over the coleslaw, and it immediately started swaying and bubbling. After rubbing it in with a Scotch-Brite pad, the grout initially appeared darker, which caused a momentary alarm. However, when it dried, the grout looked lighter and cleaner than before, which leads me to believe that the initial darkening was due to moisture.

The result of the three methods showed remarkable improvements.The vicinity wiped clean with lemon juice may be visible in the front of the lemon slice, the middlepart was cleaned with Oxiclean and a sulfamic acid cleaner was applied to the far right part.

The verdict: All methods worked, but Oxiclean came out on top with its lemonade coming soon. The latter option will be a great choice for those who prefer organic solutions.

Despite the residual white film left behind by the Oxiclean, which required a second cleaning, I chose this method for the rest of my bathroom. The difference is amazing! Even aleven though my grout is grey and could by no means be a brilliant white, it virtually appears purifier and much less smudged than before.I wish you locate this records beneficial in tackling your grout cleansing task!Feel unfastened to percentage your studies and techniques withinside the remarks below.

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