7 Painful Signs Your Man Stopped Loving You
1. He stops caring about your feelings

No matter what a man is going through, he would still care about his lady’s feelings. He might not be as sweet and loving as usual, but he would still try to know what’s going on with you. He would comfort you and try to make you feel better.

So, here’s a really red flag: This is not the case for a man who is falling out of love with his lady. He might have little or no interest in whatever she’s feeling. Though he might be aware of what’s going through her mind, he pretends to be unaware – simply oblivious.

2. He doesn’t want to have anything to do with you in public

If your man does not want you to be seen with him in public, or doesn’t introduce you as his woman to his friends but just wants to keep it between you two in private, it could indicate that he doesn’t love you enough and is trying to opt out of the relationship.

Whatever a man cherishes, he boasts about it. He should do the same for you.


3. He blocks you out from contributing in decision making

In the past, anything that was agreed upon was a mutual decision. However, recently, you often try to guess what’s going on in his mind. He does not tell you about any project, work or anything related to him, he just wants to do it all by himself and for himself. Those feelings of togetherness and connection he once felt with you are all in the past now. This is definitely not a good sign.

4. He gives you little or no attention

If your man does not want to be involved in your life, it’s really a sign he doesn’t love you anymore. Whenever you want to talk to him, he says he’s busy and when he does, he doesn’t even give you attention; he avoids your eyes, probably picks up his phone while you “rant and ramble”.

He may no longer ask you how your day went, how you feel, or even take you out on a date. He prioritizes little things over you and says no to any suggestion you make that might try to revive his feelings for you.

5. Getting angry with no definite reason

If you suddenly notice that he has been getting angry and yelling at you for every little thing you do, and might sometimes, feign being angry so as to push you away, you should be aware.

He is likely trying to opt out of that relationship and he is giving you every reason to do the same.


6. He begins to compare you with other women

He uses any little flaw you make as an opportunity to bring up other women, especially his ex. No man who loves his girlfriend or wife would compare them with any other; instead he would learn to accept her flaws, while helping to make her a better person.

7. He stops apologizing for his wrong doings

Despite the fact that he is aware of what he did wrong, he ignores it totally and does not apologize. While on the other hand, he wants you to apologize quickly and if you don’t, he might use that as a reason to break off the relationship.

All in all, this is another red flag that shows that he does not respect your feelings or your opinion on things.


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