20 Tips For New Moms To Help You Ease Into Motherhood

So after going through all the troubles, pregnancy has to offer, you finally delivered your little munchkin. You take a sigh of relief that now you won’t have to feel miserable all the time, you no longer need to remain sleep deprived, that you will finally have some time for self-care. Wait!! The hustle has just begun. Welcome to the 4th trimester a.k.a motherhood. You don’t even get the time to recover from your exhausting birth experience, because now you need to take care of a tiny, helpless little human being.

Motherhood is not easy, but you don’t have to figure everything out on your own. Here we are sharing 20 practical tips which will help you in your parenting journey:

#1 Maintain hygiene

hygiene is important

#2 Keep the umbilical cord dry

umbilical cord care

#3 Stay hydrated

drink more fluids

#4 Breastfeeding may hurt in the beginning

breastfeeding hurt

#5 Eat healthy

eat nutritious food

#6 Help her sleep on her own

help baby sleep on own

#7 Don’t buy fancy dresses

no fancy dress

#8 Best motion to calm baby

how to calm baby

#9 Read a storybook

read to your child

#10 Go for an outing

get outside

#11 Take a break

take a time out

#12 Get baby asleep fast

baby sleep tips

#13 Holding your newborn won’t spoil them

hold baby when cry

#14 Taking care of a one-month-old

one month old care

#15 Treat and prevent diaper rash

how to avoid diaper rash

#16 Preventing stomach gas in babies

preventing baby gas

#17 Help your baby learn to talk

how to get baby talking

#18 Signs baby is ready to hold the bottle

baby ready for bottle

#19 Time to start solids

baby solid foods

#20 Most importantly

let people help

We hope these tips will make your demanding job of being a mom, little bit easier. As they say, it takes a village to raise a child, so don’t suffer alone. Take the help of your friends and family. It is essential for a new mom to be kind and patient with herself. Bringing a life into this world and raising it is a daunting task, so you need to be appreciated for this.

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