6 Beverages/Drinks To Avoid During Pregnancy

It cannot be said enough that pregnancy is quite a tricky time. So many things that you can and cannot do. It can get quite tiring after a while. Prioritizing your health and that of your baby’s during pregnancy is quite important though and not something you can overlook. Watching what you eat or drink is important for many reasons. The most important one is that some of the things that you consume during pregnancy will directly affect the health of your child. The worst-case scenario is that it can even cause the terminati0n of your pregnancy.

Here is a list of beverages that you must avoid during pregnancy:

Too Much Of Caffeinated Beverages like Coffee and Tea

drinking coffee during pregnancy

Most people tell you that a bit of coffee during pregnancy now and then is not harmful. Falling into the trap of just a cup a day can be quite tempting. Believe us, we know how hard it is to kick the coffee/tea habit. You can have up to 200 mg of caffeine per day, according to science. On average, 8 oz of coffee (240 ml) (that is brewed regularly) contains about 95g of caffeine. The caffeine content is significantly lower in tea but it is still there. This might seem like a decent amount that you are allowed but here is why you are better off avoiding it completely or switching to decaf during the period. 

Your baby in the womb has a body that is not ready to metabolize caffeine. The placenta is a structure that is dedicated to bringing nutrition to the baby. It does not filter caffeine away. Caffeine is rather quickly absorbed by the placenta and goes into your baby. Because the caffeine is not metabolized, high levels build up in the body. This restricts the growth of the fetus.  Moreover, it results in the low birth weight of your child. Low birthweight has been directly related to an increased risk of infant dea ths. It can also cause problems during adulthood.

Soda- Sugared as well as Diet 

Cola soda in a glass

The problem with soda is that it has caffeine as well. We just took a long hard look at what caffeine can do to babies. Even if it is diet soda, the caffeine content is pretty high. Getting to sugared soda, let us put it this way. If you took a cup and filled it up to the middle with sugar, that is about how much sugar you are consuming per beverage. It is important to know a thing or two about gestational diabetes. 

It happens in those who are susceptible to getting diabetes in the future. However, due to the hormones in your body and your natural state during pregnancy, you can push your body into getting diabetes during this period. Taking in high levels of sugar in a condition where you can develop insulin resistance easily is very risky. It is best to avoid it completely. Even if it falls within the allowed caffeine range, steer clear of sodas. But that’s not it. Diet soda might be devoid of natural sugar or sugar in its form that you know, but it contains artificial sweeteners. Saccharine is most commonly used. It is a very potent chemical that makes its way into the placenta. Your baby is not equipped to digest this.


alcohol during pregnancy

Not even a sip. If you cannot resist and are used to a glass of wine almost every day, look for those that have the alcoh0l removed from them. It is very important to avoid alcoh0l completely during pregnancy. Science has backed this fact up for quite a while now. Alcoh0l does not harm you in the short run at least when you are pregnant. However, there is a condition known as fetal alcoh0l syndrome. Your baby is likely to suffer from poor neurological development, distorted features and stunted growth as a result of your alcoh0l consumption. If you have problems in giving up alcoh0l, it is best to seek help before you get pregnant when you are planning to do so.

Iced Tea 


Just as bad as regular tea when you are pregnant, it is good to avoid this refreshing beverage entirely during pregnancy. We know. It is summer and you are craving a tall glass of peach iced tea or any flavour that you fancy. Any other time, it would’ve been great fun to give in to the craving. However, iced tea is not only rich in caffeine, it also contains a large amount of sugar. These are two things that you are best off avoiding. 

Wheatgrass Juice

wheatgrass juice

Surprised? It is common to assume that a healthy beverage like the juice of wheatgrass is quite beneficial at all times. You are not entirely wrong. When you are not pregnant, this is a healthy beverage that offers great nutrition to your body. However, pregnancy is a time when your natural immunity is suppressed. This means that you are greatly at risk of infection from microorganisms that do not harm you otherwise. Wheatgrass grows in conditions that are damp and moist. This provides the excellent breeding ground that bacteria need to thrive. Nobody is going to heat the wheatgrass before juicing it. Not only will you be susceptible to infections, but you will also suffer from nutritional imbalance in your body as well. 

Raw Unpasteurized Milk

raw milk pregnancy

Milk is not bad during pregnancy. Healthy amounts of it are encouraged. You need to make sure that the milk that you consume is pasteurized. The process of pasteurization involves heating the milk slightly to kill off harmful microbes. This is before you receive the milk as it is packaged. You are further required to boil the milk thoroughly before consumption. Avoid raw milk completely. You do not want to contract any infection that can directly cause damage to your baby. 

When taking notes of what to eat and what to not during pregnancy, beverages cannot be ignored. Pregnancy is a good time to kick off the alcohol habit if that’s something you are interested in. You can also practice reducing your caffeine intake. It is best to start avoiding these harmful sub stances as soon as you plan to get pregnant. 

Pregnancy might seem like a very restrictive period where you cannot seem to even enjoy a cup of coffee. All we can tell you is that it is worth it. The health of your baby is indeed your priority. Research thoroughly the food and beverages that you need to avoid during pregnancy and stick to the same. If someone tells you that it is OK to have that glass of wine, educate them as well!

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