How to Prevent Stretch Marks During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is one of the beautiful phases in a woman’s life. However, this phase brings a lot of changes in the mental and physical health of a woman. Stretch marks is one of the annoying changes that every pregnant woman experience and wants to get rid of. This article tells you about stretch marks, the reason of their formation, how they form, where they form, and safe ways to prevent them during pregnancy.

What is exactly a stretch mark?

prevent pregnancy stretch marks

Stretch marks appear as convex shaped streaks in the skin that appears as red, silver and purple in color. Some of the places on the body where these marks appear are stomach, chest, hips, bottom and thighs. Stretch marks are commonly seen in pregnancy.

How do stretch marks form?

Stretch marks are small sized scars that lies in the middle skin layer “dermis”, and are seen in the topmost layer of the skin “epidermis”. They are generally seen in pregnant women due to fast gain in weight, efficacy of the fibroblasts, reduction in the activity, and changes in pregnancy hormones like cortisol and estrogen. This causes reduced collagen and elastin in the skin that prevents it to become stretched.

Elastin fibers and collagen in the skin provides a powerful ability to your skin to stretch. If the stretch happens too quickly or spread too far, then it can even lead to tearing of the skin. This causes the body to instantly begin to work to heal the scar.

Ways to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy

Control body weight

 The first and foremost solution to prevent getting stretch mark on the skin is to maintain a heathy weight. Stretch marks are generally seen after drastic loss of weight from the body. In pregnant women, mostly they develop these marks around their abdomen region. Eating the right diet, and performing pregnancy friendly exercise will help in weight management.

Eat Right

pregnancy diet

Pregnancy is the time when women are seen to gain weight. Eating the right diet helps in the prevention of stretch marks. Though, weight gain is inevitable as you carry weight of the baby, but you can work your way to keep it in healthy limits.
Some of the things that you need to follow is to keep sugar, junk foods, and salt to the minimum. Talk to your doctor to devise a healthy diet plan that keeps your weight within safe limits.

Stay hydrated

water in pregnancy

Staying properly hydrated keeps your skin soft and moist. Such type of skin is less prone to develop stretch mark than the dry skin. Intake healthy beverages like herbal tea, coconut water, etc. and reduce caffeine rich drinks as it increases the chance of stretch marks.

Eat nutritious diet

first trimester diet

Lack of nutrition can also be the sign of occurrence of stretch marks. Ensure that you include skin boosting foods that promotes skin health. Ensure your diet comprise of foods that are rich in vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, zinc and protein.

These vitamins promote collagen production that keeps skin elastic and strong. It lowers the development of wrinkles, and prevents stretch marks on the skin. Inclusion of lemons, and oranges are essential sources of vitamin C. Zinc helps reduce inflammation and heals skin. Nuts, and fish, are good sources of zinc that keeps skin healthy.

Apply oils and creams to prevent stretch marks

lotion for pregnancy

Application of specially-formulated creams, oils and moisturizers designed for stretch marks makes your skin supple, and free from it during pregnancy.

Go for the natural products that is made with avocado peptides, shea butter, beeswax, and pomegranate. It improves elasticity of skin and provides it with an amazing ability to bear stretch mark. A massage with this cream on the skin enhances blood circulation in the skin. This keeps it soft, silky and smooth.

Get some vitamin D

vitamin d in pregnancy

Stretch marks can be formed in a person who is deficient of vitamin D. Getting exposed to the sun for some time during the day helps to maintain healthy vitamin D levels. This will help in prevention of stretch marks.

Laser therapy

laser therapy

Laser therapy also aims at lowering stretch marks. It aids in stimulating elastin or collagen in the skin. There are several kinds of laser therapy treatments available. It is advised that you consult your doctor about its safety before you perform this treatment.

Retinoid cream

Retinoid cream is meant for topical medication on the skin. This cream is enriched with vitamin A. It boosts production of collagen in the skin and help in keeping it free from stretch marks.


Stretch marks fades with passing time. Keeping your body weight in control, eating healthy diet, staying hydrated, and seeking the right treatment immediately after its appearance help you deal with it effectively. Consult with your doctor before you include any cosmetic treatment in your routine.

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