Wilderness Survival Protein Shortage? Eat These Nuts
If you’re ever in a survival situation in a forest, chances are that you’ll never have to look far for sources of protein and carbohydrates. Even if you have the…
Be Prepared, Think Quickly, Act Appropriately
A fleeing suspect caused a police chase that led to a shootout and hostage situation at a Trader Joe’s in California. The incident led to the death of an innocent…
Uses for Survival Knives You May Not Have Thought About
We usually don’t think a lot about survival knifes because they’re so ubiquitous and represent a fundamental item in our bug out bags, backpacks and survival kits. We also know…
How to Prepare and Store Homemade Apple Juice Over the Long Term
Apples are one of the most-nutritious foods on the planet, and all of us can benefit from having some in our emergency food supplies. One of the best ways to…
Disinfection of Survival Water
Although water may seem to be a “heavy” item to carry in your survival kit, it is important to note that water is probably one of the most important if…
Wilderness Survival Food
Surviving in the wilderness isn’t exactly rocket science, but it does take a certain amount of know-how. Not everything that grows in the wild is good for you – some…
CAR SURVIVAL, things you must know
As summer comes to an end and the cold weather is fast approaching, one very important question comes to mind: Will you know what to do in case you get…
Prepare A Survival Kit For Your Kids Before Camping
Before going out camping with the family we usually make a list of items that we should pack with us to take. There is something even more important that should…