For years salt has been made into somewhat of a villain as it’s been associated with hypertension and heart disease. A meta-analysis of over 6,250 patients found there was no actual link between salt intake, high blood pressure and risk of heart disease.

Uses for Salt: Guidelines for Doing the Laundry | HowStuffWorks

In fact, we need salt to stay alive. It’s an essential nutrient the human body cannot make itself and plays a role in nerve and muscle function as well as regulating the body’s water content . Sodium, along with other minerals are needed for the absorption of essential nutrients across the cell wall. Lack of salt in the diet can also cause heart problems and even increase lipids in the bloodstream such as triglycerides higher cholesterol levels.

Long before the days of processed food and refrigeration, most of our food was preserved by salting it. People have always used salt. However, most of  the salt we consume today is refined salt.

Yes, regular table salts such as Morton’s has been heavily processed, bleached and heated. This high heat changes the chemical structure of sodium chloride, transforming it into something that’s not natural and not beneficial for our bodies.

Table salt is usually from the salt reserves on land which goes through heavy processing. The processing of table salt consists of high temperatures and bleach. This method of heavy processing eliminates minerals. Toxic molecules such as fluoride, iodine, and aluminum hydroxide are added in the process as well.  The end result is a substance that is 97.5 percent sodium chloride and 2.5 percent harmful substances. Table salt is a toxic end product that should be removed from everyone’s home.  This type of salt is also what you find in most restaurants and grocery stores.

Our bodies are designed to receive sodium chloride in combination with other minerals and trace elements  which can only be found in unrefined salt. The benefits include:

  • Regulates the water content throughout your body
  • Replenishes electrolytes
  • Regulates blood pressure
  • Muscle cramps prevention
  • Strengthens bones
  • Regulates sleep
  • Promotes vascular health
  • Helps to make stomach acid
  • Blood sugar regulation
  • Promotes sinus health

and more…..

On the other hand, unprocessed sea salt comes from the deep, blue sea. Ocean water is evaporated leaving behind the salt, which contains trace amounts of minerals in varying amounts (depending on where it’s from).

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