Our immune system is a collection of biological structures and is made up of different organs, cells, and proteins that work together. Our immune system is responsible for detecting and killing infectious agents such as fungi, bacteria and toxins.

This is why it’s crucial to keep our immune system strong because then our body will be prepared to fight off infections.

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Multiple studies show how elderberry can strengthen our immune system via:

  1. enhanced cytokine production
  2. delivering antioxidant flavonoids
  3. viral suppression

This report, published in Complimentary Therapies in Medicine, looked at four separate human clinical trials which involved 180 participants. The study found that black elderberry can significantly reduce upper respiratory symptoms.

A few studies found  that elderberry syrup administered at the first sign of illness seems to shorten the severity and length of colds and flu.



  • 16 oz filtered water
  • 1  teaspoon elderberry powder 
  • ¼ tsp cinnamon 
  • ½ tsp turmeric powder 
  • 1 tsp raw honey (optional) 


Put water and elderberry powder in a small saucepan

>Add turmeric and cinnamon.

Bring to a boil

Remove from heat and let cool for about 5 minutes.

Add raw honey .

Post Views: 479

By tuongbientapvien

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