Cleansing our kidneys is not a gesture we have to do once in a while. It is a daily habit to enjoy better health and a healthy and fit body. Keep in mind that the main function of our kidneys is to clean the blood by eliminating the waste produced by the body. What happens when this function does not work properly, when toxins or proteins accumulate?

7 Ways to Detox and Cleanse Your Kidneys Naturally - YouTube

When there is an excess of unfiltered toxic elements in our blood, we become sick. We risk suffering from colic, kidney stones, or many other diseases. As the saying goes, “prevention is better than cure”, so we recommend that you take the following tips:

Drink plenty of fluids, as well as dairy products. Reduce your consumption of processed foods. Replace animal protein with vegetable protein. Eliminate salt from your diet, as well as sugar, and alcohol.

It is important to relieve the 5 emunctories of our body regularly: kidneys, liver, intestines, skin, lungs. For the kidney, do one day a week a day without animal protein, or one week per trimester. Drink plenty of water, 1 L and a half a day, the purest possible spring water (dry extract at 180 ° as low as possible, around 20, it is indicated on all labels). Make herbal teas such as goldenrod, bearberry, nettle which are diuretic. Do twice a month a sauna, which relieves the kidney since the toxins managed by the kidney are invited out through the skin. No smoking.

All this obviously requires effort, but you will feel much better, and your body will thank you.

Natural aids to detoxify the kidneys :

There are a number of natural aids to detoxify and drain the kidneys. Of course we want to talk about plants known for their protective and regulating effects on the kidneys and the urinary system, among which you can find:

1- parsley and lemon to clean the kidneys:

How do parsley and lemon help us to purify our kidneys?

. Parsley :

It is a powerful antioxidant that rejuvenates kidney cells, facilitating their function.It is rich in minerals that help keep the kidneys healthy, and eliminate toxins and fats found in these important organs.

It contains beta-carotene, chlorophyll and vitamin C which are excellent for preventing infections, tumors, and strengthening the immune system. It is an excellent diuretic that helps to eliminate liquids in a natural way. hypertension which helps keep the kidneys healthy.

. Lemon :

Lemon juice is rich in vitamin C and vitamin P. These two elements help to strengthen and take care of the blood vessels of the kidneys, treat hypertension that seriously affects their functioning, and detoxify them. Its properties are fantastic. Lemon is low in sodium, and very rich in potassium which is ideal for our kidneys. Most doctors recommend replacing salt with lemon juice, a healthy and easy trick!

How to enjoy the benefits of lemon and parsley?

Nothing easier ! In this article, we will explain how to prepare a simple and effective remedy based on parsley and lemon that will help you feel better. The ideal would be to drink this infusion twice a week.

How to prepare it?

You will need five sprigs of parsley. Clean them well, then place them in a saucepan with a quart of water. Bring the water to a boil so that the parsley leaves its essential properties in the water.

This remedy is a classic that you have probably heard about. Natural medicine is sometimes very effective, so do not miss out on these therapeutic plants. Alright, now that the parsley infusion is boiling, filter it, then add the juice of a lemon. Nothing is easier, is it?

How to drink this infusion? One liter represents four glasses. Drink one in the morning on an empty stomach. The second, the afternoon, the third in the middle of the afternoon, and the last after your dinner. This remedy will help your digestion, and depurate your kidneys.

Prepare it once or twice a week. You may find that this remedy has a very strong taste, but remember that it has a large amount of vitamins that will give you energy. Moreover, it is excellent for people who suffer from anemia. Why not start today? Your kidneys will thank you!

2- Nettle:

Famous for its urticating ability, nettle is also known as velvety or salad. This is a first way to take advantage of its diuretic, and therefore draining virtues for the kidneys. Another way to benefit from the benefits of nettle is to take it as a mother tincture made directly from Fresh Plant Extract.

3- Dandelion:

Despite its reputation as a weed, dandelion is a true natural treasure for the kidneys and bladder. He also has very interesting diuretic abilities that allow to unclog the kidneys in a natural way. We recommend that you use its Fresh Plant Extract to get the most out of its active ingredients.


Allied to the kidneys and bladder, Goldenrod helps preserve urinary function and support the elimination of toxins in the body. Its antioxidant capabilities also make it a protective kidney. His fresh extract is here also recommended for more effect.


A true detox plant, the artichoke helps relieve the emunctories that are the liver and kidneys to cleanse the body thoroughly. Its fresh plant extract is also a great help to aid digestion. In short, a real combo winner!

6- Bearberry:

Protecting the lower urinary tract, the bearberry helps protect the kidneys and bladder against urinary tract infections and help them function properly, especially when combined with Echinacea purpurea.

These tips should help you drain, detoxify and purify your kidneys, all for better health in general! You now know what you have to do.

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