In the United States, a two-year-old girl has become the youngest member of the high-IQ society Mensa, which brings together individuals with the highest IQs in the world. Kashi Quest scored 146 points on an IQ test. Kasha’s parents have stated that, despite her age, their daughter already knows all the elements of the periodic table, can name, recognize by shape, and identify the location on a map of all 50 U.S. states, and can solve codes.

Kasha’s parents noticed that their child’s intellectual development began to progress dramatically shortly after she uttered her first word. Soon, she was speaking in sentences of five words or more. A pediatrician noticed Kasha’s unusual abilities when she was only a year and a half old. During a visit, the young girl could easily name objects, describe their shape and color. The doctor then referred Kasha to a psychologist, who, out of curiosity, had her take the Mensa Society’s IQ test. Kasha scored 146 points.

Research into child development has been conducted since the early 20th century, with a focus on intelligence and its relation to age being a key element of analysis. The question of how to quickly determine a child’s current level of mental development has always been of interest. The most popular approach, still in use today, is IQ testing for young children. This testing comprises a series of questions specifically formulated to provide a unique picture of the child’s real state of development. It doesn’t test specific skills in math or grammar but rather offers a comprehensive assessment through play.

 IQ testing for children reveals the presence of verbal-logical and practical skills, as well as an abstract ability to think. Modern questionnaires minimize errors in evaluating non-standard thinking. Extraordinary solutions prevent a decrease in the overall intelligence indicator due to the unique phrasing of questions.

Kasha’s family is highly supportive of her desire to learn and encourages her. They create a favorable environment and a comfortable atmosphere for her development. Whenever things don’t go as planned, her mom and dad reassure her, telling her she’s intelligent and expressing how proud they are of her. Watch the video for more insights.

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