10 Signs You Are A High-Quality Woman

Dear men, during your life, you all will date several different types of ladies. Some will be excessively clingy, some extremely distant. Some will let you become the center of their whole life, and some will become the focus of yours. Yet only once in your lifetime, you’ll run into this lady who’ll stick out from others, a high-quality miss that will get you to question why there aren’t more girls like her on this planet.

If you were ever fortunate enough to encounter one of them, you must have seen these signs

1. She inspires you to reach your true potential and to achieve great things without being demanding.

She doesn’t force you to do this, but she encourages you, believes in you, and she trusts you enough to know that you’ll make the right decisions.


2. She doesn’t act like the world revolves around her.

She takes care of her own needs while being sensitive and kind to the needs of those around her. She wants love and respect from you and she’s willing to offer you the same. She won’t expect you to suppress your own desires to try and keep her happy every moment of the day. She accepts you for who you naturally are.

3. She doesn’t play childish games in order to make you jealous.

Her actions are not based in insecurities about your relationship. She knows what she’s worth and she doesn’t feel the need to prove it to you or to anyone, it can be felt.

4. She doesn’t need you to be present in her life 24/7.

She understands that you’re both two independent individuals who have lives outside of this relationship, and that this is healthy. You both give each other enough space and time to invest in your friends, family and career.

5. She knows how to take care of herself.

She never wanted a relationship just so she could depend on someone for all kinds of physical, financial and mental support. No, she was in this to enjoy your company as an equal, to split all the bills, and to make sure that one person in the relationship isn’t being over-burdened.

6. You’ve never felt anxious about taking her to meet your friends or even your parents.

You’re confident that she can carry and present herself well and interact with various kinds of people. She’s full of love and this makes it easy for her to have meaningful conversations with your parents. Then when she’s with you and your friends, she can respectfully let loose and enjoy a good time.

7. Her social media presence is never something that she needs to hide or is embarrassed about.

She knows how to present herself successfully in front of people, whether it’s in person or on a computer screen.

8. She is never shy in the bedroom.

She communicates her needs openly; if there’s something that she likes or does not like, she’ll come right out and say it by using ‘I’ statements and expressing her own feelings and needs, rather than laying blame. She’ll express her needs in a gentle yet direct way, making awkward sexual situations a thing of the past. She doesn’t allow your relationship’s intimacy or passion to be hidden and never talked about. She’s mature enough to accept it as a completely normal and healthy part of your relationship, a part that keeps the spark alive and that fosters a greater love between the both of you.

9. She has strong and kind opinions on almost every topic and she’ll never shy away from expressing them just to avoid arguments or to keep everyone happy.

She’s a strong woman and when she knows something good, she openly shares it, without forcing others to agree with her. This certain quality enables her to inspire those around her, she speaks from the heart. She’s open to discussions and disagreements, and is able to hear both sides of every story.

10. If you have a fight or an argument, she won’t try to end your relationship.

Rather she uses non-violent communication to understand your needs, and to express her own in a gentle and non-critical way. She values peace more than being right all of the time, and isn’t afraid to put a conversation on pause until the both of you can cool down and resume at a calmer time.



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