fatty liver disease united states



Fatty liver disease is no walk in the park, that much is for certain.

Caused by the overload of carbs in the sensitive liver, especially unnatural ones like genetically modified, high fructose corn syrup laced products, fatty liver disease is becoming an epidemic in the United States of America.

Currently, about 100 million people have fatty liver disease in this country, and many of them are children.

You’ve probably heard about diabetes in kids, but fatty liver disease has also skyrocketed.

The disease has doubled over the past 20 years according to LiverFoundation.org, as a matter of fact.

The good news is that this disease is reversible, and it starts not with depriving yourself of unhealthy foods as much as it does adding the best foods for liver health back into your diet, starting with a “master antioxidant” that can change things around in a hurry.

Glutathione is What Your Liver Needs to Detoxify and Revive Itself 

allicin in garlic

Glutathione is known as the “master antioxidant” that helps your liver to repair itself.

According to naturopathic Dr. Eric Berg, there are more than 100,000 peer-reviewed papers on glutathione in scientific journals.

Glutathione is depleted in the body in several different ways.

Among them are too much alcohol, unresolved mental, physical and emotional trauma, stress, toxins, overworking yourself, and too much sugar and refined carbs.

Whenever we find ourselves going down a path of stress, weakness, and potentially disease, it may be a sign that we are depleting our glutathione levels.

Glutathione in supplement form (like the one shown below) has been shown to help patients heal from fatty liver disease and other liver issues in preliminary trials.

Symptoms of fatty liver disease and other liver problems include fatigue, tiredness, nausea, swollen abdomen and legs, and more.

glutathione supplement form

As always, diet and supplementation are your best bets to make sure your body is getting the building blocks it needs to support a healthy liver and other organs and systems of the body.

By starting with a healthy foundation of food and supplements, you will be able to stave off problems like those mentioned above.

The top food and supplement sources for glutathione production include the following: 

1. Beef- 

Grass-fed beef from pasture-raised, ideally regenerative sources is your best bet to maximize the nutritional value of any beef you eat.

If you’re buying store bought beef, odds are it will have been raised on feedlots and fed genetically engineered corn, soy, and other unhealthy food that is transferred to the end product.

Pasture and regeneratively raised beef is much better for the liver.

2. Fish-

Choose wild caught fish whenever possible, and be sure to check labels closely because many wild caught fish products come from China and other places where food safety and purity standards are more lax.

3. Cruciferous Vegetables- 

This may be the best source for consistent glutathione production.

4. Whey Protein- 

There is much research supporting the hypothesis that glutathione levels can rise significantly through supplementation with whey protein, according to Healthline.com.

My personal favorite is Tera’s Whey, which is an organic whey protein supplement available for less than 25 dollars on Amazon.com, that is both nourishing and pure.

I have taken it for several years and I feel my overall vitality rise considerably after taking this supplement morning and night.

tera's whey


5. Garlic and Onions- 

Vegetables and herbs that contain allicin like garlic, onions and shallots help the body to raise glutathione levels. One trick to increase allicin production is to cut garlic and leave it on the counter for 30 minutes or longer to allow more allicin to be released.

6. Curcumin- 

Curcumin is also another helpful supplement for boosting glutathione according to Dr. Berg. It can be found in turmeric powder, turmeric itself, or organic curcumin supplements.

7. Vitamin C- 

Since everything is connected in the body, taking a powerful restorative supplement or eating Vitamin C rich foods can help in unexpected ways.

In one study, adults who took 500-1,000 mg of Vitamin C daily for 13 weeks had an 18% increase of glutathione in white blood cells.

It may also increase glutathione in red blood cells by up to 47% in a 500 mg dose.

vitamin c complex

8. Coffee- 

It’s not just about caffeine with coffee. There’s something deeper to the benefits it provides, especially when it’s organic coffee.

A 2003 study found that coffee increases glutathione levels in blood plasma up to 13% on average.

9. Vitamin D3- 

Sunshine is one of the best sources of Vitamin D3, along with food sources like pasture-raised eggs, mushrooms, sardines, salmon, and fermented cod liver oil.

10. Alpha-lipoic acid- 

Taking this acid in supplement form is one of the best ways to increase glutathione consumption according to Dr. Berg.

It is known to strengthen the antioxidant network, which allows for your body to better utilize glutathione.


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