In most home bathrooms, you will find a can of air freshener.  In many public bathrooms, the spraying of air freshener is done via automatic spraying devices.  These are supposed to “freshen” the air we breathe, however, what it really does is toxify the air we breathe…and with heavy toxins at that!

Are Air Fresheners Toxic? | IQAir

Large conglomerates like Procter& Gamble and S.C. Johnson & Johnson are the major players in the game, but there are others.   These companies masquerade the true nature of their products and the toxic chemicals they contain in a variety of ways including using words like “fresh” and “clean” to entice customers.  They also use images that suggest their products get their scents from natural sources like essential oils and extracts… nothing further could be from the truth.


Most commercial air fresheners get their scent from a chemical refinements process that uses petroleum-based byproducts from other chemical manufacturing processes.   Known as “catalytic reforming” or “thermal cracking” the chemical process in which these artificial fragrances are produced uses petrochemical waste compounds such as ethane, naptha, propane, butane and other liquid petroleum gases.  Unfortunately, profit margins would not be high enough for these large corporations if they were to use natural products like essential oils.  They would prefer to pay pennies on the dollar to manufacture profitable man-made fragrances for us to breathe, despite the health risks.


Inside our nose are sensitive chemical receptors that our body uses to detect toxic and allergenic substances.  These receptors are, as I said, very sensitive (which is why many drugs like cocaine and crystal-meth are often taken via the nose).  These receptors also lead directly to the brain (specifically the hypothalamus, hippocampus and amygdala)…parts of the brain that control breathing, blood pressure,  emotion, heart rate, memory and hormone balance.  When our environment contains air freshener, we are exposing these receptors to toxic fragrances at a pace of about 20,000 breaths a day.  Since air fresheners are engineered to “last a long time” they contain phthalates.  Phthalates help the man-made fragrance molecules stick to things and smell longer…including the insides of your nostrils and respiratory system.

Dr. James Miller of the American Academy of Environmental Physicians states, “Chemicals do their damage to our systems one molecule at a time. Even a limited exposure will cause some cellular damage requiring nutrients, time, and energy to heal. If repeated injuries occur at an interval shorter than that required for complete healing, there will be an accumulation of injury. This will eventually lead to organ malfunction and chronic symptoms.”


As we move into the fall and winter season, doors and windows begin to close.  This is also when holiday scented candles and air fresheners come out.  If you find yourself in closed quarters trying to freshen the air…turn off the heat and open the window for a minute.  Or, use natural fragrances like real pines and flowers, essential oils and extracts.  Not only do they smell wonderful, many contain beneficial properties that improve our health!  I encourage you to explore more and find your own perfect, natural air freshener!


If you want your liver to function properly (eliminate toxins and cleanse all the impurities) you should consume reishi mushrooms daily. In, a study in Food and Chemical Toxicology  showed that using reishi mushroom reversed chemical-driven liver damage in mice. Reishi mushroom is known for its anti cancer properties. It eliminates  free radicals and promotes liver cell regeneration. Just take 1/2 tablespoon a day!

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